Molassess in hydro grow?


Active Member
I have read numerous posts re: adding molasses. In the most recent post, I read that the molasses works to nute up the soil?? Is that true or is it effective in a hydro grow?

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Al has been gone less than a week and the molasses returns.....hehehehe.

If you were wondering, I agree with the previous 2 responses. hehehehe

But I heard it works if you put in cornbread with it. Got to make it from scratch its organic.:weed:


Well-Known Member
No, don't use sweet leaf. Don't use any sugar related products. According to AlB Fuct, anything with sugar does not improve test or flavor of cannabis, but it does promote growth in some aspects, although he goes on to say there are more negatives dealing with patheogens.


Well-Known Member
No, don't use sweet leaf. Don't use any sugar related products. According to AlB Fuct, anything with sugar does not improve test or flavor of cannabis, but it does promote growth in some aspects, although he goes on to say there are more negatives dealing with patheogens.
Well according to my first-hand experience it absolutely does improve the flavor, and I'm not the only one who thinks so.

Not everything that qualifies as a "sugar product" is harmful. Sweet Leaf was designed for hydroponics so it cannot be reasonably argued that it is harmful in that application.


Well-Known Member
Well......if you're right......I'll take it. Because I actually have sweet leaf, but I've read that you do not want to put any sugars into your res..........maybe I'll try it out though.


Well-Known Member
I grow DWC 18 gallon rez 8 plant rubbermaid 400W digital. the last two weeks I cut the nutes use tap water and a product called heavyweight from my hydro store. the label says 100% Mollasses for the ingridients, never had a single problem with the shit. BUT as I say DWC. given that, you start with pumps or drips, & I think your looking for trouble. I could see clogs and build up. I drain my rez every 2 weeks...


Well-Known Member
BigBud992 - trust me, Sweet Leaf won't give you any grief in a hydroponic system. I mean it's like anything else in hydro - if your grow room is sloppy you can always get microbial growth. But it won't be because of the Sweet Leaf. Keep things clean and you'll be fine.

The molasses stuff... that's just a gamble though. I seen too many problems from that stuff. In soil, sure, it's great.