


Well, just started on my second grow here and things are looking fine, except the mold.

Setup: I have 10 seedlings, of which half are in peat moss cups (the biodegradable brown cups you fill with soil), and the green starter cubes people use to start clones in.

Conditions: My babies are under a T-5, with the light being about an inch or two from the tops. The temperature in my closet remains between 55 - 65 degrees F.

Problem: The seedlings in the peat moss cups are being invaded by mold! All the whilst the green cubes exhibit no signs of mold, whatsoever!

The mold manifesting on the cups appears to be like regular white mold that is slowly developing to green, just like what you'd see on week old strawberries.

Question: How does on remedy this?

I'm thinking just take a spoon and carefully removing the seedling from the cups, as the mold has not made its way to the soil (as of yet). However, can one actually kill the mold with some sort of spray?

Thanks, RIU!


Active Member
Well, just started on my second grow here and things are looking fine, except the mold.

Setup: I have 10 seedlings, of which half are in peat moss cups (the biodegradable brown cups you fill with soil), and the green starter cubes people use to start clones in.

Conditions: My babies are under a T-5, with the light being about an inch or two from the tops. The temperature in my closet remains between 55 - 65 degrees F.

Problem: The seedlings in the peat moss cups are being invaded by mold! All the whilst the green cubes exhibit no signs of mold, whatsoever!

The mold manifesting on the cups appears to be like regular white mold that is slowly developing to green, just like what you'd see on week old strawberries.

Question: How does on remedy this?

I'm thinking just take a spoon and carefully removing the seedling from the cups, as the mold has not made its way to the soil (as of yet). However, can one actually kill the mold with some sort of spray?

Thanks, RIU!
First off, you need to find a way to raise your temperature up to at least 70 during the day (preferably 75) and make sure it doesn't drop any lower than 60 at the minimum at night. If you don't, you will have very slow growth and temps. of 55 and below will damage the plant tissue (thats bad!). As for the mold, im not sure if thats a result of the low temps or not. Whats the RH?


Yeh, I know...It's hard to even keep our house warm. I'm up in the hills, man and all we have is a fire place :-/ actually...the plants look very awesome. Very bright green, rapid growth since germination, etc, but it's the fucking molde! HAHA!