Mom in Wisconsin


Active Member
I am a suburban housewife in Wisconsin. Unfortunately and irritatingly my medication is not legal in WI. I am at the mercy of other moms. I will look to this forum for information and maybe someday growing will be legalized in WI. Please!


Well-Known Member

Sorry to read you have distress over cannabis.

It feels good to give even $10 to say MPP or Norml or even ACLU ( they took the case against Wal*Mart ).

Well that and learning to grow your own is helpful if that is your thing.

Nice to meet ya!


Yea, I'm still waiting for Wisconsin to get to work on some medical laws. My guess is that as soon as they can get one of the bills to vote it will be passed. The only problem is that I dont see it going to vote anywhere inside a year. I guess a year isn't too much to wait.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I'm still waiting for Wisconsin to get to work on some medical laws. My guess is that as soon as they can get one of the bills to vote it will be passed. The only problem is that I dont see it going to vote anywhere inside a year. I guess a year isn't too much to wait.
If we all keep the pressure on this will change. With all the Wars we are paying for the last thing our Make War department wants after such a successful public information campaign that allows us to drone strike pregnant woman with out charges is to lose funding for the War.
So Now more than ever our Leaders are looking to trim domestic spending.
If we write, call and stay involved all over the USA we can effect change.

Folks need to know that all cannabis is not the same. Like a glass of beer and a glass of whisky. So it is possible for adults to enjoy cannabis without it seeming to be that Psychedelic LSD kind of fear.

Now is the time for all good Tokers to come to aid of Democracy! <--- Do you think it will catch on?

In the end it will be about greed over liberty but we have to try and get laws that allow us to cultivate and breed cannabis. That breeding part is very important IMO.



Hello Fellow Wisconsinites, I grow because it is sooo much cheaper, but yes times are changing and it is time to legalize!


New Member
Welcome Mommy Cheese Head! Please don't hate me because I was born in the big windy city south of you! If and when you decide to grow, feel free to ask my assistance, I love helping newbies! The link in my signature is a thread of HOW TO videos from Master growers for 1st timers. Peace and Harmony to you....GO BEARS!!! LOL!!


Well-Known Member
welcome mommy cheese head! Please don't hate me because i was born in the big windy city south of you! If and when you decide to grow, feel free to ask my assistance, i love helping newbies! The link in my signature is a thread of how to videos from master growers for 1st timers. Peace and harmony to you....go bears!!! Lol!!
you did notice this thread was from
  • 10-02-2010