Monster grow attempt


Well-Known Member
i think its your soil. i remember i had a plant that did that before and it was planted in my backyard soil that had too much clay and not enough oxygen were getting to the roots. so i transplanted into some potting soil mixed with perlite and they took off. I could be wrong tho. good luck

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Tundra, the soil is 1 part course yellow sand (my local soil :mrgreen:), 1 part potting soil, and 1/2 part manure. I also added some vigro nutes to the soil. So i dont think its the nutes. Im sure by tommorow morning they will both be back to reaching for the sun. Thanks for the advice.


New Member
Hey bro,Im not tryin 2 rain on ur parade as this would be great for a plant that has been vegged for 5-6 months before goin outside.Last year I started out from seed in december and put my babies outside in june and by the end of veggin,they were in 7 gallon pots and they were 7ft tall and 6 ft wide,so I think ur overdoin it alil bit w/ the 55 gal drum. Id say dig a 3x3x3 plot with some super goody soil for each plant should suffice.Just a lil constructive criticism,not flamin ya bro and good luck...

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
i see what your saying, however this is a permanent fixture. next year this drum will only have one plant that i vegged in my indoor setup for a couple months. there will also be two more drums like this right next to this one. check back around september/october and see what they produce.


New Member
What intrigued me about this thread was the 55 gallon drum aspect.Ive been thinkin about doin an outdoor grow in a greenhouse with 55 gallon drums with either an Aero/NFT or DWC setup, I think this would produce sum fuckin redwoods,eh?I think if properly applied could produce anywhere from 10-20 lbs/plant with very little veg,anyway,it would be interesting to see somebody experiment with this,peace...

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
I got back from a cross country ride on my harley at 3am, so im not in the mood to make the trek to the plants. But I will post some tommorow.


Active Member
sounds like fun! allright lookin forward to it man, it was lookin like a pretty cool setep in the last pics :)

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
The plants were sitting in a puddle when my "helper" checked on the plants 2 days ago. They are drooping but i know they will pop back. Im going to put the irrigation line on a timer. I also have little white bugs all over them, so i will bring a spray to control those.




Active Member
ahh damn. well looks like they will easily recover no prob! theyr growing for sure though =) keep it up bro

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
The plants look a little better today. I sprayed the plants with "Garden Safe Fungicide 3". I also watered the plants, I will buy an irrigation control tommrow.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
My attempt is coming against strong resistance. Ive got the irrigation system on lock now, but since my last post, some animal topped the plants to the level of the chicken wire. So i added another 3' to the height.