More BS


Well-Known Member
Maybe the fine people that work in Cali should just send their pay checks to the government. Except the unions they are part of the elite out there.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The more the government takes or outlaws free trade, the more alternative underground free markets will rise.

The state will tell you not to consume soda, then the state will get hooked on the taxes and continue doing it's usual thing...talking out of both sides of it's proverbial mouth.

Why not just make soda illegal and throw people in jail for drinking it ? Because prohibiting self ownership and substances has worked so well in other areas huh? :roll:


Active Member
IF a child is bad in school... its the teachers fault
If a child gets fat from eating/ drinking unhealthy foods... its the company's fault
If a child gets into trouble and goes to a YA camp..... its society's fault

At what point do we get to blame the lazy ass parents who dont help their child with school work, eating healthy and know right from wrong?? when will people start to notice it isnt the company's fault your child is a retarded fatass delinquent and they need to look no further then a mirror to see who is to blame.

stona lady

so some asshole decides that diet soda is good for you and he tries to make law that diet soda escapes the tax? diet soda is fucking poison. never mind the poison of the various fake sugars, most of it is full of sodium and depending on the person sodium can be more toxic than sugar. who the fuck is this assclown to decide what people should buy? he sounds like a lobbyist to me.


Active Member
so some asshole decides that diet soda is good for you and he tries to make law that diet soda escapes the tax? diet soda is fucking poison. never mind the poison of the various fake sugars, most of it is full of sodium and depending on the person sodium can be more toxic than sugar. who the fuck is this assclown to decide what people should buy? he sounds like a lobbyist to me.
What was the synthetic sugar they used to add to diet drinks in the 80's? They end up finding out it can cause blindness.