More Crooks hired by Obama


Well-Known Member
obama has done alot of shit in less than two months.
lets see..hes shut down gittmo with no place to put the terrorists.
we get it he is a fucking communist, every time he opens his mouth the stock market drops into the toilet and peoples 401Ks retirements investments and everything else is being wiped out by this communist .
he has fucked up so much shit already the list is growing so long so fast it is ignorant.
did you see a proposed four TRILLION dollar budget.not to include cost over runs on everything.
let me put this into perspective for you libtards.4 trillion=40K dollars every single family in this country will go into debt for.
Get the heck out of here... we are in this position due to ignorance and greed. Let's go back 75 days... and look at what that administration left behind... a huge mess for all generations to deal with... And now, we finally step into the 21st century!


Well-Known Member
seems to me that more than half the population was enamored of Obama. Glad i didn't vote for the socialist dick or rather dictator:) Face it we are all fucked. i'm just waiting for things to get even worse if thats possible and praying for better times.:peace: ah and Ron Pual was my pick:)


Well-Known Member
Get the heck out of here... we are in this position due to ignorance and greed. Let's go back 75 days... and look at what that administration left behind... a huge mess for all generations to deal with... And now, we finally step into the 21st century!
And Obama's making it better by increasing the amount of debt future generations will have to deal with.

Ever think that before running your mouth you should try to make sure that your own comments don't show your ignorance, and can't be used against you?

It's kind of like pulling a gun that's pointing the wrong way...


Active Member
are you fucking serious it's march fucking 7th Obama was put in office on the 21st of January and he caused the economic problems were facing whoever believes that is a idiot he didn't force the banks to fuck up they did that by themselves if I am borrowing somebody money hell yeah I am going to make sure there not as stupid with it as they were before such as the banks the insurance companies all that can you get a loan with out you showing how your going to pay it back neither should the corporations.


Well-Known Member
are you fucking serious it's march fucking 7th Obama was put in office on the 21st of January and he caused the economic problems we're

Punctuation, it's very important, were and we're are two very different things. Though this has nothing to do with whether or not the problems originated under Obama, this has to do with the fact that he's not making them better, Of course, I suppose that that's what can be expected from a Socialist.

facing whoever believes that is a idiot he didn't force the banks to fuck up they did that by themselves

No, there was the government and groups like ACORN pushing them towards making subprime mortgages by insisting that banks be forced to extend credit to subprime borrowers.

if I am LENDING somebody money hell yeah I am going to make sure They're not as stupid with it as they were before such as the banks the insurance companies all that can you get a loan with out you showing how your going to pay it back neither should the corporations.

I don't know why I bothered trying correcting the spelling. That entire last section needs a total rewrite. Are you trying to say that if you were lending some body money that you would make sure that they were not as irresponsible with your lending practices as the banks were with their Ninja Loans?

Oh, and dude, insurance companies don't make loans. The reason why AIG is in trouble is because they lacked sufficient internal controls to make sure some retarded cock-sucker in London wasn't making stupid bets.

What's more interesting is the fact that another factor in this problem is the use of an equation written by some idiot that tried to predict how risk worked. Might as well try reducing Earth to a single equation. Something like E(Nl) = Fe

Where E is Earth, Nl is the Number of Liberals on Earth, and Fe is how Fucked up Earth is going to be.

Just like the "magical" formula that all these trading firms were using to calculate risk that equation isn't going to work, mostly because no matter how fucked up you calculate Earth to be with a number of Liberals, you are underestimating it, because liberals have a weird ass way of having a cumulative effect on everything.

One only needs to look at the Education System to see that. 100 Teachers in 100 Schools, no big deal. 200,000 Teachers in 10,000 Schools, and you have serious fucking problems. Thus an equation like E(Nl) = Fe, with E being the Education System, and Nl being the number of liberals in the education system and Fe being how fucked up the schools are doesn't work, because it's going to underestimate the effect that liberals have on the education system by a good one hundred to three hundred percent, or a factor of 2 - 4x.

As proven by your incoherent, confusing post with all its misspellings and grammatical errors. Of course, the grammar is not important. Coherency, and making your point succinctly is.

It's great that you have an opinion, what's unfortunate is that's about the only thing the education system has provided you with...
All right, now can you try putting that in Standardized English, cause it's very confusing post.

I mean, you don't borrow people money, you borrow money from people, you lend people money.


Well-Known Member
All right, now can you try putting that in Standardized English, cause it's very confusing post.

I mean, you don't borrow people money, you borrow money from people, you lend people money.
Yes, and rednecks 'warsh' their clothes. Not that they actually do, but thats another issue altogether.


Active Member
So your argument against what I wrote brutal truth is that in your opinion obama is not doing anything to help so that makes him a socialist. When did the goverment and groups like acorn start pushing them towards subprime borrowers? And then a bunch of shit on how my grammar not correct my bad i am on this site to talk about other shit than making my grammar better. And how two guys made two equations what the fuck was the point in you writing ? Just proof read this post bitch so you have a point on being on the site.
P.S AIG does loans as well as banking


New Member
So your argument against what I wrote brutal truth is that in your opinion obama is not doing anything to help so that makes him a socialist.
No, what makes Obama a socialist is his desire to take from Peter to give to Paul.

If you'll open your mind a little, you'll see that we are progressing toward the type of socialism that is called fascism. Under fascism, unlike communism, government doesn't own the means of production, it just has strict dictatorial control over it. Witness what is happening with the takeover of the banks.

Obama isn't about setting the economy right, he's about changing the economic structure of the country. Obama is anti-capitalism and pro-socialism. He, and his cabinet are very scary people.

The next time a clue flies by, grab it quick so you'll have one. :hump:



New Member
No, what makes Obama a socialist is his desire to take from Peter to give to Paul.

If you'll open your mind a little, you'll see that we are progressing toward the type of socialism that is called fascism. Under fascism, unlike communism, government doesn't own the means of production, it just has strict dictatorial control over it. Witness what is happening with the takeover of the banks.

Obama isn't about setting the economy right, he's about changing the economic structure of the country. Obama is anti-capitalism and pro-socialism. He, and his cabinet are very scary people.

Quick! Wake up!

the economic structure of this country needs changing........what are you scared of old man?


New Member
the economic structure of this country needs changing........what are you scared of old man?[/quote]

More agist insults from a brave, clueless, keyboard nerd, eh tips?

To answer your question though, I fear for young, blinded dunces like you who haven't a clue, who have no historical perspective to go on ... and who are voting themselves and their future generations into economic slavery.

Good enough answer for ya, Slick?



New Member
the economic structure of this country needs changing........what are you scared of old man?[/quote]

More agist insults from a brave, clueless, keyboard nerd, eh tips?

To answer your question though, I fear for young, blinded dunces like you who haven't a clue, who have no historical perspective to go on ... and who are voting themselves and their future generations into economic slavery.

Good enough answer for ya, Slick?

wow sure put me in my place....:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
No, what makes Obama a socialist is his desire to take from Peter to give to Paul.

If you'll open your mind a little, you'll see that we are progressing toward the type of socialism that is called fascism. Under fascism, unlike communism, government doesn't own the means of production, it just has strict dictatorial control over it. Witness what is happening with the takeover of the banks.

Obama isn't about setting the economy right, he's about changing the economic structure of the country. Obama is anti-capitalism and pro-socialism. He, and his cabinet are very scary people.

The next time a clue flies by, grab it quick so you'll have one. :hump:

Bullshit. Fascism is a one party dictatorship driven by nationalism and militarism that suppresses opposition.

I suppose if Obama was wanting fascism he would fire republicans at the DOJ, spy on his own citizens, invade non-threatening countries, and destroy those that revealed the truth. These are the tactics Hitler used, can we think of anyone else???