more f****d up leaf pics. yay!


Well-Known Member
so here are a few leaves from a few plants in my hydro set up. it is 80 degrees and all plants are under a 400 w hps. i am at 1600 ppm with sensi bloom two part flowering nutrient and dr. hornbys big bud solution addative. about 2 weeks ago i was seeing nutrient problems in my leaves. i decided it was a deficiency so i moved to 1600 ppm, ( i was at 14) since then, things have only seemed to worsen. i have decided to flush, and have been for 4 days now. i am trying to decide which direction to go. if any additional info is needed feel free to ask, i just really NEED TO DIAGNOSE THE PROBLEM! after looking in the FAQ i am more confused and idk if i should have flushed or just assumed i was still having deficiencies and raise the ppm once again. i just dont see deficiency possible at this ppm. any response would be great!



Well-Known Member
i forgot to add my ph is right at about 5.8 and most all leaves on the plants are curled in towards themselves and the plants main stem. the discoloration on the leaves is brown and sometimes blotches of white and brown or gray. PLEASE HELP!


Well-Known Member
i have had a simaler problem, my leafs also curled & yellowed im finding that i need to flush the roots weekly to avoid nuit lock up. my first grow was bad that was before i was told ablut nuit lock up . i have about 1300 ppm in my tank. i was told that any thing over 200 ppm the plants will not take up any more nuits above 200 ppm. i have ben flushing every 2 nuit changes with clearex and ro water , untill i get a reading under 200 ppm . usualy goes down to 150. then drain & replace with nuits.first pix is first grow with out flushin untill 6th week.the second pix, of the litle ones i have been flushing every 2 changes, the last pix is what thay looked like last friday. hope this info helps. good luck



Well-Known Member
so nobody has anything to say about my leaves. awesome. ill definitely help the next newbie that has problems. yea.

Dont be a douche, nobody is here at your beck and call. usual response times are counted in days, sometimes weeks. rarely hours. you don't need to get all pissy that nobody has solved YOUR problem for you 11 hours after your post.

aside from that, you have not provided enough info. We don't know how many weeks in bloom, and at what locations on the plants it is occurring (lower, mid, or upper leaves)

I would check out the pics at Grow Marijuana FAQ, Cannabis cultivation - marijuana growing tips & photos

it looks to me like like a K def, like figure 13 which progresses to look like figure 14 at the above link.

I would increase the amount of big bud you are using as it is around 4% K or find another additive that has higher K levels and augment with that. they really love their Potassium, and during bloom the flowers are eating it up at a very high rate, so the leaves show the signs.

in my opinion, people often misdiagnose the burnt leaf edge as an overfert prob when an overfert actually looks like figure 4 in the link above.

overfert is when the nute solution ppm is so high that water actually comes out of the plant roots and into your solution because of the osmotic pressure difference, it is more of an even crisping dehydration of the leaves from the tips, but affects the whole leaf, the entire surface, not just the margins (margin = blade edges)

if you have green and reasonably health centers on your blades, its not overfert yet imo.



Well-Known Member
My advice will save your plants... 1600PPM is WAY up there. Are these plants 4-6 ft tall and bushy as shit? probably not so that is too high.

I don't trust your water or mine lol, go find a place that sells R/O water or if you got a little money buy your own R/O system. For todays fix go get R/O water though asap.

Add your R/O water + no more than 25% of your nutrients recommended amounts from the label for your growth stage. I don't know how big your plants are but I noticed at 25% I still saw some nutrient burn on plants ranging in size from seedlings 2 leaves to my mother clone that is big and bushy. So please take that as a maximum at this point.

Next your air temperature and Ph are fine but are you cooling your reservoir at all? I toss bottles of ice in my reservoir 2-3 times a day depending on how cool the water seems to be.

Good luck, your biggest problem is hard water.


Well-Known Member
so im getting two responses, two very good ones, two different ones. the first saying that i have probably not burnt my plants and rather had a def. of a specific kind. others are saying that my ppm is too high. still slightly confused. i just do have to say that at 1600 ppm, how could my plants be having def.? the rest of the info is that im at 8 weeks flowering, and the stress is happening towards the top/ middle of the plant. thanks for all the feedback.


Well-Known Member
i could still use lots of help so its definitely welcome! i apologize for the hostility at the beginning, it just seems like some kid that has a 35 day old plant under a desk lamp that looks like a 2 day old plant of anyone of ours, he gets like 400 responses and i just want to harvest some good smoke!


Well-Known Member
so im getting two responses, two very good ones, two different ones. the first saying that i have probably not burnt my plants and rather had a def. of a specific kind. others are saying that my ppm is too high. still slightly confused. i just do have to say that at 1600 ppm, how could my plants be having def.? the rest of the info is that im at 8 weeks flowering, and the stress is happening towards the top/ middle of the plant. thanks for all the feedback.
It is because you dont have a deficiency. You have a late stage toxicity of potassium. So therefore the people suggesting you flush and lower your ppm is absoultely correct. It sounds like you are into the weeks of biting the bullet meaning flush appropriately like one of the people suggested with clearex ( i use that stuff ) and finish your cycle. Are you using a calibrated ppm meter by any chance?


Well-Known Member
i could still use lots of help so its definitely welcome! i apologize for the hostility at the beginning, it just seems like some kid that has a 35 day old plant under a desk lamp that looks like a 2 day old plant of anyone of ours, he gets like 400 responses and i just want to harvest some good smoke!
nobody is answering you either because they havent seen the thread or they just dont know what is wrong.....flush your plant with some good will not look better but will stop getting worse. you are having a lockout due to minerals and shit being in your water.


Well-Known Member
honestly no, i dont have a calibrated meter. i am basing this off the chart on the back of my nutrient bottles. it makes sense that i have a toxic problem because of the high ppm. will final phase be a good thing to flush with. thats all i have. by biting the bullet you dont mean harvesting early do you? thanks a lot!


Well-Known Member
next time around, run 2 reservoirs and run 1 half str nutes and the other full and then you will know.

from the link,
Potassium (K) Toxicity:
Usually not absorbed excessively by plants. Excess potassium can aggravate the uptake of magnesium, manganese, zinc and iron and effect the availability of calcium.
if it was a K tox you would see signs of mg,mn,z,fe, and ca defs, not the clearly matching K def that I have linked already.


Well-Known Member
i just feel that at this ppm, a def is unlikely, but you could be very correct. im not saying youre wrong, im just not sure. dont you agree that a def. at this concentration is unlikely? or no? this is my very first hydro grow. im going to continue flush and use the time to figure out which direction to go.


Well-Known Member
is there a chance that it is a nutrient lock-out caused by the high ppm? i was also pondering this idea. also, how long should i flush for?


Well-Known Member
You're in hydro don't flush at all, just do what I told you to do. Change your res and put 25% nutrients from the recommended label instructions for your growth stage. Your PPM is way to high quit splitting hairs, go get R/O water your plants will thank you.


Well-Known Member
i know this 1 all to well, fucking advanced nutrients man, ive been having them probs with hydro. havnt seen it with the 1 dose a week additve style feeding with soil.

fucking i used 3 part, big bud carbo load, sensi zym, and like 1-2 dose of voodoo thru out the whole grow. that was all i used from them. and i didnt have 1 problem with it.

since ive been messing around with alot of the other additives they do. i have the whole fucking line, most to which are sat there turning to un usable salts (gone off) which just fucking burn the fuck out of my weed every fucking time now. and to tell the truth, i cant even be fuckt to send the bottles back, you know what the fucks that. its my plants i care for. well it just burn the hell out of them runnin at no higher then 1.6 EC, my plargon grow has some soil shots and stuff which i have been happy with using the AN with

but for fuck sake, what is up with it on hydro? i ran 2 nft's next to each other last time, 1 nft was feed with more AN additives, the other nft was left on pretty just base feeds. both ran at 1.6 EC 5.8 PH. i have all the testers and shit, and was growing with CANNA before advanced nutrients even came out here

now my crops with just 3 part, big bud, sensizym, carbo load were fine, no problems. just read that shit. the 3rd times a strike


Well-Known Member
couple pics. my current tree of life grow on nft feed with advanced nutrients 3 part line, additives and all that BS. i aint seen no shit on my nft plants like this before, until i used the advanced nutrients line of additives. sure its not 1 product for another. thats the last time.

dutch master maybe?? but i read i thing in a grow mag, with the main dude from dutch masaters saying the name "dutch master" is a piss take. there australlian. i mean come on.

house and garden for me i think. im not sure yet. but im fucking the AN additives off.

these are pics ive just taken. tree of life is a lovly strain (haze genitics from pukka seed) its just burnt and stunted now AT EC 1.6 WTF.

heres the closet thing to AN support homies. hope ya dont mind my post



Well-Known Member
honestly no, i dont have a calibrated meter. i am basing this off the chart on the back of my nutrient bottles.
Hang on a minute... U dont have an e.c/cf/ppm meter? Im an organic soil grower but i learned to grow using flood and drain hydro. That statement just sets alarm bells ringing in my head... How the hell do you know you are running a ppm of 1600? To the best of my knowledge without an accurately calibrated meter your true ppm could be way off from your "estimated" ppm that your basically guessing from the nute bottle... You have no idea of the ammount of dissolved minerals already in your tap water, u NEED to test this before adding any nutes, sorry i dont do ppm i know e.c, so if say yr water e.c is 0.6 and u require an e.c of 1.6 u need to add 1.0 of nutes, then adjust ph. my advice would be get a meter as a matter of urgency and find out what yr dealing with.


Well-Known Member
also are you keeping yr res at the optimal temp? Temp fluctuations will cause ph fluctuations. Constant low temp will stunt growth and can cause lockouts, constant high res temp promotes root rot and other pathogens and will quickly make yr solution anaerobic(oxegenless basically) which i believe can cause symptoms like your leafs rolling and curling under kinda like overwatering in soil when excess water becomes anaerobic around yr roots...Is yr res kept bubbling with an air pump and stone to keep it oxegenated or aerobic? What type of hydro system is it?