More Plants? Or Less Plants?

Which will yeild More?

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Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Climate Example:
600 Watt HPS
Vegged Under Mh for 1 Week
Mild Nutrients

Would you say you yeild more with fewer plants and bigger pots?
Or More plants and average pots?

Let the poll begin! :joint:

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
i tried both, and the more the better for me, i went with 25 .5 gallon pots in a 5x5 formation inside one of my 2-2/3' X 2-2/3' tents, i got a much better yield and a better SOG than the 3x3 in 4 gallons, they were autoflower f2's i made though, seem to actually prefer an early fast rootmass and then they pump out the buds.

the 25 .5 gallons yielded me just below 1lb while the 3x3 got close to 3/4lb.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
So if I would to start a bunch of seeds. And just LST a bit. You think I should grow more or less? I wont be SOGing

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
start the seeds you know will yield well, isolate the best phenotype(your tastes) and clone the hell out of it, do what you want from there, as long as you have the pheno you can keep them going perpetually. basically what i do with my autoflower seeds easy as hell.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
curious what seeds are you going to be growing? if it's sativa, then training it to form multiple tops might be what you want, if its indica dominant it might just be better to grow it single cola to save room.


Well-Known Member
I get more and better buds from two plants than 3 or 4 in my 3 x 3 tent with a 600 watt hps.
more plants for more variety and more work


Active Member
If you are only vegging one week then you would definitely want more plants. If you plan on running less plants in bigger pots then you have to allow them to veg longer so they can take advantage of the extra root space. Sticking a plant in a 5 gallon bucket and only vegging it for a week kind of defeats the purpose. If you flip a plant too early in it's container you will find a small root ball relative to the container when you harvest. If it looks like your roots could have grown more, then your plants and buds could have grown more too.


Active Member
the light will do what it do... less plants=more time and less work, more plants=less time and more work u must balance time and effort that being said, big planters are an easy way to get better plants i have 2 container sizes and my big pots do way better under otherwise identical conditions


Well-Known Member
I have a clone I started vegging in September. I'm going to put it outdoors in June in plain view and hope people mistake it for a tree.