More than 1 per bucket


Well-Known Member
hey guys just wondering....

how bad is it to have 2-3 plants in a 5 gallon bucket?

just cause a small yeild?


heres a shitty pic i have



Just some idiot
It's not the best, the plants end up competeing for food and space. I wouldn't do it...bad idea


Active Member
I heard that the strongest plant will kill off the weakest one in attempt to grow.
Cant say this is %100 true, but it seems to be understanding.

Can anyone confirm this for me?


Well-Known Member
well i sorta cant really do anything about it there big plants ill get some new pics 2maro...

any info will help


Well-Known Member
I've done this before and it's never really been that big of a deal bc it always ends up that one of them is a male. I wouldnt call it an ideal situation, but it can be a solution if you dont want to go spending money on pots and extra soil.


Well-Known Member
I got two females in a 20 gallon of promix. I had started some female seeds and seems one container got two seeds in it. I figured f it Ill experiment. I twisted the stems together a bit to see if they would fuse. They are with my other plants however the ones which were twisted are half the size. They seem to be root bound or some nonsense. I dont have any pics though there is a video on swap


Well-Known Member
I myself wouldn't put 2 plants in one pot.I would think they'd kill each other u know.I got all 23 of mine in one gallon buckets......