morning glories?


Well-Known Member
hi everyone i have a bunch of morning glories in my yard and was wondering where u get the seeds from the plant? i heared u can trip off of the seeds is that true? also how many seeds do i take to trip and is it bad to eat them?:?:



Active Member
After the flower falls off, the place where the flower was will swell up into a ball shaped pod. The seeds are in there. You need about 250-500 seeds to trip. In my opinion, they are a complete waste of time, and maybe even a stupid thing to do. I tried to trip on these three time and got sick all three times. It's not worth it. Get some mushrooms.


Well-Known Member
Yeah erowid has some really good info.

Im growing 4 morning glory plants, of the heavnly blue variety.

3 of my plants have been flowering like crazy
1 hasnt at all...???

When the flowers die, theres a seedpod left in its place.
Wait until the seedpod turns brown, then take it off, break it open, and you got some seeds:-P