Most Likely To Win

If there was a Pro Labor Republican would you vote for them?

I would. We (my union) backed Arlen Specter in PA for years because he was a Labor Friendly Republican, which is rare, most have union busting agendas. But I don't just vote my job, there are so many issues. I do not like extremists on either side, nothing gets done if no one wants to compromise. I will vote for who I think will be best for our country and my family - Republican or Democrat.
I would. We (my union) backed Arlen Specter in PA for years because he was a Labor Friendly Republican, which is rare, most have union busting agendas. But I don't just vote my job, there are so many issues. I do not like extremists on either side, nothing gets done if no one wants to compromise. I will vote for who I think will be best for our country and my family - Republican or Democrat.

spoken like a true patriot
Well "Obama",,,Was the biggest "Compramiser That I Have Ever lived through,,,That was his down fall when The dem's controlled congrees,,,Now see what happen when the "Republican's" conrol the House,,,,Nothing,,,,Thank you you un- conpremising,,,Dick head Republican asshole's.,,,I mean "Tea-Party",,,,
And what was his stated position on medical marijuana
Please provide a quote

Obama will not legalize marijuana, he has driven our society into an even larger debt deficit and will continue to do so until a real American is in office who cares about the constitution and will fight for our people. An American who served in our military, an American who has a backround in economics. Ron Paul 2012 will do this for us, end this prohibition now and vote for the American who will turn this country around!

Obama heads up the most radical Progressive Party since Woodrow Wilson. Its been very obvious and Americans have once again caught on to the ruse of "Hope and Change" and "Fundamentally Changing America." Therefore, Obama is dead meat in 2012.

Now then, what will the next leadership look like? After Obama's attempt at destroying the free market (what's left of it after Bush), America has moved to the political right. Where Romney once had a chance, he doesn't anymore. Too centrist-left. Bachmann won't win because she's a woman. Conservative women, like conservative blacks are hated by the left, and will be destroyed by our Pravda media.

I think a more conservative America will vote for and elect a ticket like Perry/Rubio.

Sorry ... Ron Paul hasn't a chance.
I would. We (my union) backed Arlen Specter in PA for years because he was a Labor Friendly Republican, which is rare, most have union busting agendas. But I don't just vote my job, there are so many issues. I do not like extremists on either side, nothing gets done if no one wants to compromise. I will vote for who I think will be best for our country and my family - Republican or Democrat.

You do know that Arlen Spector is now a democrat, right? He never was very conservative or trustworthy. After all, it was his "magic bullet" theory that was the cornerstone of the Warren Commission Report. He got his reward of a Senate seat just like Jerry Ford got his lollipop for being a good little minion.
Obama will not legalize marijuana, he has driven our society into an even larger debt deficit and will continue to do so until a real American is in office who cares about the constitution and will fight for our people. An American who served in our military, an American who has a backround in economics. Ron Paul 2012 will do this for us, end this prohibition now and vote for the American who will turn this country around!


You mean a white guy?
probably obama? i mean nobody can beat his $40K fundraising events- look at his cabinet, they're all straight up chicago mafia...then i saw michelle hosting a campaign rally in which she spent over $100K and brought a damn ZOO to the event...jesus christ how can people be so easily bought off??
I'm a race traitor that voted for Obama because of my white guilt

Yeah thats it

If you want to put words in anyones mouth, put them in your own. I come from South Africa originally so I have lived through some of the worst racism anyone could experience. I have also seen post apartheid South Africa where white guilt has and does in fact get amplified to the point where it is unhealthy and errs on the side of fanatical.

On that note I have seen you mention the race card more than most on this forum, when you have seen this kind of behaviour before you recognise it again easily enough.
wouldn't surprise if he was wasting his time posting here either, hes definitely not doing anything important. (obama)

wtf exactly is a race traitor anyway? Isn't that something only a racist would believe in? Why yes it it
wouldn't surprise if he was wasting his time posting here either, hes definitely not doing anything important. (obama)

wtf exactly is a race traitor anyway? Isn't that something only a racist would believe in? Why yes it it

owned..... :)
Ever Heard of sarcasm?
BTW newworldicon
Are you a Black Soouth African or a White Soouth African

Just interested since you say you have seen a Post Apartheid South Africa and seem to be disappointed in it

Why is always about racism with you? You are always bringing it up, always, pushing the idea of it. Quite frankly it's ugly and I'm pretty sure America is not in the 60's anymore there bud.
i think obama will win, but if ron paul gets in the race, it will be quite a race between them. id vote for ron paul if he gets in, but if its someone like bachman or romney ill go with obama lol. i plan on registering as a republican so i can vote for ron paul in the primaries. im pretty sure he will win CA anyways.
Why is always about racism with you? You are always bringing it up, always, pushing the idea of it. Quite frankly it's ugly and I'm pretty sure America is not in the 60's anymore there bud.
some folks will always be stuck in the past. to them george wallace will always be standing in that schoolhouse door and lynch mobs will be forever roaming freely across the countryside. racism is one of those accusations that can never be disproved. denying it will only make you seem that much more guilty and being suspected of it is more damning than being called a communist at a mccarthy hearing.
i think obama will win, but if ron paul gets in the race, it will be quite a race between them. id vote for ron paul if he gets in, but if its someone like bachman or romney ill go with obama lol. i plan on registering as a republican so i can vote for ron paul in the primaries. im pretty sure he will win CA anyways.

Ron Paul doing well in CA? Are you sure about that?

I'm across the nation so I wouldn't know but my understanding was that CA was infamously a Dem supporting state.