Most Preferred DWC Medium?


Well-Known Member
what would be the best way to raise these girls from birth? in rockwool alone? in rockwool and hydroton? just hydroton? soil pellot thing? soil pellot thing and hydroton? other mediums? thanks for the suggestions -- i know i can do the research, and i have -- and will more -- but i haven't asked yet, and as He says; you have not because you ask not.


Well-Known Member
I use the AeroGarden Master kit in my Custom DWC setup.

*meaning = I use the snap together nets coupled with the sponge medium that the kit also includes*.
I pierce the sponge down to the bottom with a ChopStick, drop the germinated seed into the Sponge Pod.. good to go.

Of course others will continue to chime in.. Just my .02 cents.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I use the AeroGarden Master kit in my Custom DWC setup.

*meaning = I use the snap together nets coupled with the sponge medium that the kit also includes*.
I pierce the sponge down to the bottom with a ChopStick, drop the germinated seed into the Sponge Pod.. good to go.

Of course others will continue to chime in.. Just my .02 cents.

Good luck!
thanks brother, i love the suggestion.


Well-Known Member
what if i want to birth my girls in the same exact place where they shall be for all their life?
technically that is what happens with the way I do it. They germ in the rockwool cube and never leave it. I just pop the cube into a netpot with hydroton since hydroton is good for wicking up the water from the reservoir and saturating the cube. It also provides good support for the plant and cube and if you use enough it blocks the light from getting in the reservoir.


Well-Known Member
technically that is what happens with the way I do it. They germ in the rockwool cube and never leave it. I just pop the cube into a netpot with hydroton since hydroton is good for wicking up the water from the reservoir and saturating the cube. It also provides good support for the plant and cube and if you use enough it blocks the light from getting in the reservoir.
don't you think i should have a gap between the water level and the main medium -- so it will get good oxygen (or co2 whatever) from the bubbles?


Well-Known Member
don't you think i should have a gap between the water level and the main medium -- so it will get good oxygen (or co2 whatever) from the bubbles?
Yes, but I don't see how that has anything to do with the medium you use. lol
I'll try and grab a couple pics to show you how mine is set up. I'll post em up in a few.


Well-Known Member
alright dude, here we go.

Pic 1 is the netpot I use. 5 gallon bucket lid with 6 inch netpot built into it. costs about 5 bucks.
View attachment 960492

Pic 2 is the rockwool cube in the lid surrounded by the hydroton.
View attachment 960491
Pic 3 is the buckets I use. 5 gallon black. As you can see the water level is about 5 inches below the top of the bucket. This gives me about a 1 inch gap between the bottom of the netpot and the nutrient solution.

View attachment 960490

Pic 4 is me attempting to show the space left between the netpot and water when the lid has been place on the bucket. Didn't come out too well. :P
View attachment 960489

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
001.jpg004.jpg006.jpg003.jpg002.jpgMy girls were started in Rockwool plugs and then put right into 6x6 Rockwool Blocks. Nothing else. 6 Blocks in a 2x4 flood table.
Using a 600W HPS. I vegged for two weeks and this is day 34 of 12/12.