Mostly Female Hermaphrodite


Active Member
Well becasue the search engine is so tightly regulated on what you can and can't search for (in referance to search length), im not able to somethines acess exactly what i need. Life isnt fair and im over it

So who has ever had a plant term hermi like 5 weeks into flowering? AFTER female flowers and no balls/pollensacks were present for about 5-6 weeks then suddenly *BAM*

Im using KoolBloom 2-45-28

and yes, those split, and yes, if you pick them off your fingers are covered in pollen, and yes i avoid touching the remaining females in the garden.

Only thing i in retaliation was move it "downwind" of the females and as far away as possible.



Well-Known Member
A lot of plants do this in a last ditch attempt to seed themselves or from some kind of stress.
I get around this by always pollinating a very small lower bud with some stored male pollen.
Plants wont ever hermie if they already have seed on them,even if its only 5 seeds the plant knows that it has seed and wont hermie:blsmoke:


Active Member
im kinda concerned about the other female in the grow area, (its a small area)

Do you think moving that hermi downwind is enough? its pollen sacks are pewny compares to the pollen sacks on teh full blown males i've produced, i dont think they have the capacity to travel againt the airflow but i can stirr things up and make a real mess of things i suppose.

NOTE the pictures are not the current plant placement.



Well-Known Member
I know it sounds horrible but, if it were me I would lose the hermy. You would be very suprised how pollen will travel. And you don't want to ruin your entire crop just to save one hermy.

Chronic Connoisseur

Well-Known Member
next time you grow males, take the pollen and store it somewhere, then when you grow females pollenate a very small bud, and they will pretty much never go hermi.


Active Member
So once again! Roll that tastey bean footage

Here is that mostly female hermi, freaking strange that it turned hermi so late in the grow. Im suspecting stress and changing over to really strong 2-45-28 nutes is the culprit. BUT on the bright side and bad side (at the same time i guess) the other plant has probably been pollenated with this hermi pollen so will it stay female???

It sucks it had to get all pulled so early, is it still good to toke despite how premature it is? plenty of resiny-resin heads with a population of mostly cloudy and only a few clear but i havent found any amber heads yet :(. Guess to early by a long shot. Not to bad of a loss though, big learning experience.



Active Member
I am very dissappointed to find out that within the first three weeks of flowering, my plant has turned herm. I only have three other plants going that have not even shown their flowers yet. Can I still smoke the herm or will it pollinate itself into seeds?


Well-Known Member
You can smoke the buds that produce but by maturing them you will get seeds. Not on just the plant but your entire grow. You can watch out for the balls and rip them off the plant till mature. This approach can work but it is very frustrating and if you miss one well the seeds will come. There is also a product on the market to control a hermie once it shows itself, but I never looked into buying it. I don't know who makes it or what it is called. I was told to about it in the forums of overgrow and never learned more about it. sorry!


Active Member
I have a 400watt HPS MH lighting setup. Growing in quality soil with superthrive and blood and bone, but not until they are big enough to take the food. The first time they all went male and now about every plant is turning male. Its a waste of time and power. Is there a reason why my plants always turn male? Most of them only grow under 30 cm and they bud too early. I'm getting a MH with a red spectrum, so I am hoping that will produce better results. And how do you get feminized seeds or have a higher percentage rate that they will be female? Plz Help