Move girls inside to finish?


Well-Known Member
Hey folks,

I have several beautiful plants flowering under the sun right now. However, where I live the days of sun are numbered and the weather is becoming increasingly intolerable. I am considering:

1) Bringing the two that are closest inside and putting them in a dark room before the next rain storm.

2) Bringing the remainder in and putting them under lights for several weeks until they're done.

Has anyone ever tried either of these things? Will bringing the plants in under a dark room and leaving them for a week before cutting benefit me in any way? And what about finishing under lights? Is it worth the effort or should I just say f- it and cut em outside now? Thanks for any input, and please keep in mind, these are some beautiful monsters with serious potential.



Well-Known Member
Are they in-grounds or already in containers?. And if already in containers, then you can maintain their current natural light cycle by moving them into a room with windows. This is assuming you can keep the room dark during non-daylight hours, door shut and no lights on.


Well-Known Member
Exactly, I shoulda mentioned that. They are in 15 gallon grow bags. I think I would use artificial light for a couple of them and just put the others in a room that gets a big of window light during the day and darkness during the night. I'm hoping this would let them finish a bit more while keeping them safe from the elements.


Well-Known Member
Exactly, I shoulda mentioned that. They are in 15 gallon grow bags. I think I would use artificial light for a couple of them and just put the others in a room that gets a big of window light during the day and darkness during the night. I'm hoping this would let them finish a bit more while keeping them safe from the elements.
I'd put all in the room with the windows, only I have non-UV blocking glass on a second floor. I'm not sure how the glass will affect you.


Active Member
Okay, if they're in 15 gallon grow bags then they're probably pretty big plants, so you'd need some serious light power to finish them.

I did this last year with some Arjan Haze #3 that I had no business planting in my grow zone. Basically, they started flowering in September (they were direct-light deprived which is why I suspect they started so late). I brought about 6 of them (all six feet tall and in 5 gallon pots) inside, and hooked up two 400 watt HPS bulbs, plus a heater for night. I had them in there for a month. I wouldn't do it again. Basically, they'll live and even grow a bit, but the weed will not be dank or all that powerful.

So, it can be done, and they won't die, but that's a lot of hydro bills for weed that won't be all that great.


Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks for sharing that experience. Yes, these are some big plants. We'll be running a total of 1400 watts in a reflective room, which isn't ideal, but hopefully enough for them to put on a bit more weight and ripen up. There's no way we can realistically finish them outside, so it's a choice between harvesting bud that's not fully ripe, or bringing them in for the last two weeks and hoping they'll ripen to some degree under the lights. The way I see it, it's not much to lose, but there is the electric bill to think about.... will let you know how it works out!