movies on a trip


Active Member
whats everyones favorite movie to "get stoned to" or "trip to"? i think the simpsons the movie was pretty hillarious stoned!


Well-Known Member
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas....any of the Cheech and Chong movies are also funny when you're really stoned.


Active Member
Pulp Fiction by far my favorite. Samuel L Jackson is the ultimate bad ass! I could watch this movie every day.

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas....any of the Cheech and Chong movies are also funny when you're really stoned.
I was going to say exactly that. Add How High, some chappelle shit. Or the extended sex scene from team america. Oh my god it gets intense. hahah

Or you can watch B movies. Return to Frogtown is the greatest to watch baked if you like making fun of movies. also The Refrigerator


Well-Known Member
i dont reallly like to dose and watch movies but last weekend i dosed up and played super mario galaxy on the wii and man it was fucking AWSOME if you have a wii i would definately recomend it

but as faras movies go a scanner darkly would be good and also waking life by the same guy they are animated and waking life is all deep

stoned anything really i dotn really do much of anytyhing not stoned come to think of it

its like wake up and i say damn i gotta go to work/ school better smoke a doober then man its almost lunch time i guess i should get my appitite goin smoke a doober well im off work time to relax smoke a doober well hell its bed time i better smoke a doober to get sleepy ;)


alice in wonderland is fukin great you start to realize all the drug refferences.

and its really weird

a movie not to watch wile trippin is VULGAR i was disturbed as all hell


Well-Known Member
i really prefer not to watch movies when i'm trippin, but i did see a hilarious movie called death at a funeral when i was trippin balls. it's pretty much about this family's funeral for their high society dad and all the chaos ensues. for instance, the niece takes her fiance to the funeral. he has a headache so she gives him what she thinks are valium from her brother's medicine bottle. turns out it's lsd. pretty much for the entire duration of the movie, he's tripping, causing everything to go wrong at this funeral. it's hilarious to watch while tripping!
stoned, i'd say THE GINGERDEAD MAN. awesomely horrible. apparently they made a second one. may have to rent that sometime...haha


stoned.. depends; but trippin, watch something like natural born killers, or the matrix trilogies....or if you're trippin really hard and just want something really cool to watch, find some old episodes of the Smurfs... always a good time there:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
A clockwork Orange or Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift :joint: Love all Fast and the Furious movies, can't wait till th e 4th :D


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porn...i love to watch porn when im sorta feels like im in the movie...hard to explain...but fuckin cool