Moving Out of the House


Active Member
P1370049.jpg They're getting so big! Pretty soon, they'll be all grown and out of the house, so I had "the talk" with my girls. I told them, I said, "Girls, it's a tough world out there. Some people will slander you and tell all kinds of lies about you behind your back. They'll try to turn everybody against you. Then there are those who say they love you, you mean the world to them, etc - watch out for those folks. They'll burn you if they get the chance." -_-


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2343480 They're getting so big! Pretty soon, they'll be all grown and out of the house, so I had "the talk" with my girls. I told them, I said, "Girls, it's a tough world out there. Some people will slander you and tell all kinds of lies about you behind your back. They'll try to turn everybody against you. Then there are those who say they love you, you mean the world to them, etc - watch out for those folks. They'll burn you if they get the chance." -_-

aaaaaahahahahahahahah. made my day.