Moving plants from inside to outside? NEED ADVICE PLEASE! Pics are included


Well-Known Member
I've been currently growing 2 LSD (Barney's Farm) clones for the past 2 months, along with, what i was told, is a Lowryder plant of some sort. They were first started underneath 6 26w CFLs and 2 42w CFLs. Growth wasn't what i expected and could have been partly due to difference in light spectrums. I had them running under 6 soft light bulbs and the other 2 were daylight bulbs.

This was just temporary until i set up my 250w HPS light. Granted this was also a temporary setup until i built my official dual chamber grow cabinet. They under CFL lighting for approximately a month or so, and under the HPS light for about 3 weeks.

The space i was growing the plants under soon became to small for me to continue growing under, so i decided to move them outside.

As far as nutrients are concerned i'm using FoxFarm Liquid Fertilizer (Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom). As far as soil is concerned i have a mixture of 2/3 FoxFarm Original Planting Mix mixed with 1/3 pearlite.

They've been outside for about 5 days now and seem to be taking quite well to the new growing environment. My question is...will this ultimately affect my total yield and potency? I understand given the change in light cycles it'll push my harvest time back, but i'm wondering if there's anything i can do to maintain all the best characteristics of the pant's genetics.

Anyway enough of me rambling on about bullshit. Here are some pics of the plants. Any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
id ease the transition a little bit unless you already have them out side. how are they taking the move? and they need 6 hours or more of direct sun light. as for your potency question id say no it may even help the yeild a bit


Active Member
I think you will be good to go getting those girls out in the sun and let nature work for you. Looks like they are flowering so sit back and watch em grow and get ready for some good old home grown. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Thanks z4qqqbs and Ark.MtnMan. I'm really only familiar with growing indoors...but i was just hoping moving them outside wouldn't be too drastic of a move for them. But thanks for comments, it reassures me a whole lot more to know that now.

Oh and it might seem like their not getting adequate light because of the pics, but their getting direct sunlight 360 degrees.


Active Member
No problem GreenMeter I think your golden,those ladies will plump up nicely for ya. You may like it so much that you try a few outside again next year.


Well-Known Member
I did have one question though. From the looks of the plant now, do you think that the 12 inch pot that its currently in will be large enough to flower it properly? In the future if i were to grow outdoors i would surely start them in much larger pots.


Active Member
Well thats the only thing that might hold them back a little as we all know the bigger the pot the better. I grow outdoors in the ground so I dont have much experience with pots. I still think it will do good for ya. Next year get ya some BIG pots and grow em big.