moving to edmundston, nb. whats the scene like?


Active Member
What's up my wife got a job in edmundston, nb and was wondering what the 420 culture was like. I'm coming from mass where it's recently been decriminalized, but it's still not the easiest place to sniff it out compared to Quebec. Is it easy to find weed around there?


Active Member
Additionally, is the area in general a more tolerant / laid back sort of place? Is there any sort of music scene going on there? The few times I've been to Quebec, I've gotten really good vibes and really appreciated the art/music/whatever scene up there. I've never been to New Brunswick, but I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a chill place. I've already started researching for the best long underwear.


Well-Known Member
I've already started researching for the best long underwear.
Good call. Wear those fuckers under jeans and you'll never be cold during winter ever again.

I don't know much about NB other than the fact that most of it is pretty rural, and generally in Canada rural areas are much more laid back about smoking weed because there's not much else to do.