MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.


New Member
Nope, won't work, they'll most likely hermie, that's Soma's breeding method...

If it did work, the majority of the bud will have converted its THC into CBN.

Keep thinking outta the box.

You can however cut off all of the colas, and leave some of the smaller buds, re-veg them and bloom a plant twice, but it takes almost a month to re-veg.

It's called a double harvest, I tried it once, it was a waste of time.
I agree MHM, if get to fucking with the lights during flower they will hermie on you in a heartbeat.


Well-Known Member
Have you heard of any problems with hermies on a double harvest. I was thinking about growing some mothers, and flowering them after I take clones. Then trimming them back afterharvest,and giveing them another 2 month veg in a scrog then reflower them after I take more clones.


Well-Known Member
It can be done... But in the time you spent re-vegging, you could have a 3 ft tall healthy new plant from clone...

I wouldn't suggest trying it, I did it just fucking around once, wasn't worth it.

It goes like this...

After you put them back on 24 hours of light after cutting off the majority of buds, the buds wither and single blade leaves emerge from the top of the bud... It takes a while before they regroup and make healthy growth, a lot of training and trimming...

Trust me, it's not worth the effort, if you want to try it for fun, that's about all you'll get.



Well-Known Member
i know one thing for sure , this is the last time i go with feminized seeds . my BM hermied on me and had to do inventories daily, day 50 of flowering now i think i'm in the clear,lol. . got a few seed pods , not many,orange bud same shit,..... .. you were very right on sensi seeds MHM. even though the germ. rate sucked evry plant was remarkable. anyway wat do you know about the femination of seeds and the problem with it? would you think sensi might have it down on feminized strains without any hermes.?


Well-Known Member
Nobody has it down on feminized seeds and hermie rates... The thing it, there is no male genes passed down, because there's no male, the stressed plant creates pollen that carries the hermie trait, think hermie pollen... It's about a 50/50 shot the hermie trait gets passed along.

If there is any stress in that plants life, it may herm...

On the other hand, responsible breeders should choose their hermie donors upon their resistance to herm, meaning, it should be hard as hell to get it to herm, like torturous...

Then the likelyhood of the fem offspring to herm is a little bit less than that of a random herm plant.

My personal fem cross came from a light leak, and a few male banannas at the endo of flowering... In a room where the plants were at different stages of flowering...

Hopefully I'll end up with no herms, but it'll be a pain in the ass paying attention, for this reason, I'm not flowering very many of the Silver Mango (my fem cross)



Well-Known Member
the reason i say such is i heard that the chemical that supposed to convert all the seeds to feminized ,some times doesnt completely change them causing a percentage of the male seeds to herme instead of turning them fem.. i have never had a herme ever till i used fem. seeds. maybe in the las days see a few flowers but nuthin to worry about. anyway , good luk on that mango. let me know how good the mango is and wat kind of yield ,,, the Mr. nice G13 HP is a amazing plant. the biggest yielder so far and the most low key odor., had a couple small lower, dense buds fini. and dried it in 3 days , and much more potent than the orange bud,,sensi seeds are the best.., :joint:Thanx. MHM.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the hash plant I grew wasn't smelly at all, that is, until you broke off some of the trichs and smelled the oil... Whewwwooooeeee like gasoline or turpentine...

The G strains I've grown are some of the densest strains I know of, aside of Hash Plant, I can only imagine how much a 1 gram looking bud weighs... Probably 3...


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to go off topic for a sec on how much I hate the new papers they are using for Camel Lights... They fucking go out everytime I type a post... Stupid fire proof bullshit... :finger:

I've dropped countless cigs on myself asleep, on the floor, on top of my blankets... Etc. This is before the fire proof bullshit, so, what the fuck, they weren't dangerous before.

I used to burn the shit outta between my index and middle finger, that would be a reminder that it's not nap time, now I just wake up with a half burnt cig in my hand.


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to go off topic for a sec on how much I hate the new papers they are using for Camel Lights... They fucking go out everytime I type a post... Stupid fire proof bullshit... :finger:

I've dropped countless cigs on myself asleep, on the floor, on top of my blankets... Etc. This is before the fire proof bullshit, so, what the fuck, they weren't dangerous before.

I used to burn the shit outta between my index and middle finger, that would be a reminder that it's not nap time, now I just wake up with a half burnt cig in my hand.
I thought I was the only one that hated them. I mean, can you really make a cig fireproof? It really doesn't make sence. But, with all the forest fires out in CA, I guess I can see why they would want to try and do something about. If everyone wouldn't be dicks and throw their cigs out the window, we'd be fine.


Well-Known Member
Wanted to hit this...!

Got alot of reading to do before i start asking the stupid
questions... Hehehehehe!!!



Well-Known Member
It's all good man... If you click on the albums link in my sig, you can just look at all the pics... The newest are first, so the last page is the seedling and empty basement...

No need to read all the shit eh? Just look at the picture progress...


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro :mrgreen:

It's looking like I'll be ready to switch the lights to 12/12 on Monday, I just have to cut a few trays of clones, and move the mothers to their new homes...

Btw, sale on 32 gallon trashcans... 5 bucks at walmart...

Another thing I should mention, buying cheap plastics for resevoirs isn't that good of an idea, but I do it.

Main reason, plastic isn't as solid as most think, it's actually like a sponge. The ceap plastic has pores in it that can absorb the water/nutrient mix. What happens is the shit stays in the plastic, and grows mold, algae, whatever...

Rubbermaid BRUTE trashcans are the only ones that don't absorb anything, but they are really expensive.

To get around this problem, I give my trashcan resevoirs a spritz of H2O2 once a week, and disinfect with 97% rubbing alcohol.


Well-Known Member
I never thought of that before. Regular plastic trashcans are probably made from PET, the same stuff as pop bottles. If you go for food-industry grade plastic made from Polypropylene, I bet you won't have this problem. Of course, you'll pay dearly for that stuff. But it would be cool to have a nalgene setup!



Well-Known Member
No it's cheaper than pop bottle plastic, it's industrial plastic... I'm not sure of the name.

And the brute cans aren't made of polypropelene, it some other type of plastic...

I guess I could research it more, but I know that commercial facilities are only allowed to use Brute cans in their food areas. And hospitals are only allowed to use brute cans... Next time you're outside walmart or somewhere like that, look at the trashcans, guarenteed their brute.


Active Member
I've got a question...

This is the first time I'm taking clones and I was wondering how large the root system will get one month after taking the cuttings. I am starting the clones in rapid rooters until they get their root system and then moving them into 5" net pots in an ebb and flow system under a 400w MH. I'm thinking the roots will grow out of that 5" area way before it's time to move them into the flowering room (and into 2 gallon pots), in which case their growth would be stunted from not having the space. Would that 5" net pot hold the roots for that long or do I need to find another way to give them more space?



Well-Known Member
Instead of using net pots use a solid walled container, and the roots won't grow through... Like the square ones made for hydro tables, I think they're 6" square... Holes on the corners and bottom. Then you can transplant then into larger containers...

But yeah, the roots will bust out of a net pot in about 2 weeks... I didn't think net pots were for ebb flow, but I've never grown ebb flow, just drip and now bubble buckets.


Well-Known Member
Back to the topic...

I checked on the roots for the bubble buckets, and they are loving it, they're already to the edge of the net... :mrgreen:

The water level comes up to an inch from the bottom of the net pot, which is filled with hydroton expanded clay.

I've made bubble systems before, but I made them ghetto style out of rubbermaid bins, and regular pots with extra holes... And only one at a time. But on them I also had a drip feeding setup on them...

I basically had a single site drip table, with an airstone in the resevoir.

The bubble bucket just deletes the drip...

I'm giving my last feeding of veg tomorrow, then a quick flush after that... Then the bloom.

That means light switch happens on Christmas

I was thinking monday earlier, but when I looked at them today, there are still a few of the clones I planted on thursday that haven't started the growth spurt... I'll give them a few more days to grow.
