Music for my Mary


Active Member
Just a few hours ago I added an Alarm clock/radio for some ambient music for my plants to enjoy. It's set to a big band station, because I hope the plants like it as much as I do.
Has anyone actually seen results from such a radical experiment? or is it all hooplah?

Update: It is not all hooplah. My plants love it and so do I. It creates an excellent ambiance and all processes seem more efficient, even under normally stressful conditions. It could be the nice effect it has on the grower, but I wanna think it's the music.


Well-Known Member
mine like classical music, sublime, kottonmouth kings, bone thugs and harmony and slightly stoopid. Yes...mary j loves music about mary j. I play the 420 music during lights on and classical at lights off. It does work and has been proven to work.


Active Member
Theory is the sound waves vibrate plants cells,strengthening and increasing osmotic processes.
You know, this sounds very plausible. If I jam out hard enough and spray and mist my plants will I see the stomata open up with some wicked teeth to devour the innocent?


Well-Known Member
When ya switch to 12/12 ya need to tape off the lights on the radio or you will be wondering why they arent going into flower...

no clue

Well-Known Member
Music yes but I dunno about giving them that big band/ Tommy Dorsey type crap. That stuff almost kills me so I certainly would not expose my plants to it. Ozzy was a good idea


Well-Known Member
Classical for seedlings and clones, when they are old enough and ready to veg (their teen years) play a mix of Billy Idol, Metallica (Pre Black album), Sex Pistols and Winger (Note: Billy Idol and Winger also work great when you have an old male pollenating a young female.... plant).

Before going into flower slow things down with some Simon and Garfunkle I find it puts the plants in a nice relaxed mood, don't want them stressing too much with the light change. For early flowering it's back to classical, a few weeks in switch to some old hippie music, Joan Baez, Mamma and Pappas, New Riders, Strawberry Alarm clock. During flush play them Grateful Dead and at harvest time every pot song you can find such as:

Hey Uncle Sam Leave us Pot Smokers Alone - Toyes
Sweet Leaf - Sabbath
The Smoking Song - Hank Flamingo (just came on my tunes haha)
Marijuana - David Peel w/ the 360's
I Like Marijuana - Country Joe

short list I know, left out sooooooooooo many, I could make like 5 cd's worth.

Oh for breeding you gotta romance em, Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, John Secada you get the idea


Active Member
Classical for seedlings and clones, when they are old enough and ready to veg (their teen years) play a mix of Billy Idol, Metallica (Pre Black album), Sex Pistols and Winger (Note: Billy Idol and Winger also work great when you have an old male pollenating a young female.... plant).

Before going into flower slow things down with some Simon and Garfunkle I find it puts the plants in a nice relaxed mood, don't want them stressing too much with the light change. For early flowering it's back to classical, a few weeks in switch to some old hippie music, Joan Baez, Mamma and Pappas, New Riders, Strawberry Alarm clock. During flush play them Grateful Dead and at harvest time every pot song you can find such as:

Hey Uncle Sam Leave us Pot Smokers Alone - Toyes
Sweet Leaf - Sabbath
The Smoking Song - Hank Flamingo (just came on my tunes haha)
Marijuana - David Peel w/ the 360's
I Like Marijuana - Country Joe

short list I know, left out sooooooooooo many, I could make like 5 cd's worth.

Oh for breeding you gotta romance em, Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, John Secada you get the idea
Do they prefer live? because I'd love to serenade my babies. "AIiin't that a kick in the heeaaaaad"


Well-Known Member
Hey man you just gave me a wonderful idea why not start everyday with "God bless America" by Kate Smith and finish it with "Sunset" by Roy Orbison .