Music to medicate to


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;i94HHGKml9M]  [/video]


Well-Known Member
That cover is Lovesong by The Cure. It took me a few to figure that out. There is actually a steel drum in the original, but the kids gave it more of a Reggae feel.



Well-Known Member

You can't play with liberty
It cannot be divided, nor can equality
It can't be bought or negotiated
Neither exchanged for security

To hell with your laws that oppress the people and put our civilizations in peril

Despotic powers
want to codify their domination
Disguising it as the natural order
Now it is up to men to fight
To create an ideal of liberty and justice


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;hi94mMed6EQ]  [/video]