

Well-Known Member
\"terrorists must be a usa invention\".......................\"in my opinion USA is causing all of this\"...........................................................................................................................................................................................................Yet another gleaming example of the blame America first crowd. Wake Up!


Well-Known Member
Good post notso,
I concede that enabler may be a bit harsh....coward may be more apt!

The jihadists are on a bloodthirsty mission and absolutely do not represent the majority of muslims....the very fact that there are so many moderate muslims who will not even speak out regarding the atrocious behavior of their fellow muslims allows this scourge to continue!
Just look at the situation in UK regarding Rushdie.....these people actually blame Rushdie for touching off violence....this is so convoluted as to be laughable if it were not so dire...

"This man not only provoked violence around the world because of his writings, but there were many people who were killed around the world. ... Forgiving and forgetting is one thing, but honoring the man who has blood on his hands, sort of, because of what he did, I think is going a bit too far."

Sort of?

Yes, you see, it's always the fault of the accused insulter. Never the fault of the sword-wielders, fatwa-issuers, fire-setters and blood-lusters.

It's always the fault of the Western "extremists." Never the fault of the "moderate" followers of jihad.

The deaf and blind will dismiss this latest episode of manufactured Muslim outrage as a marginal outburst. But Mr. Rushdie, the target of death threats dating back to 1988 over his book "The Satanic Verses," has seen enough performances of Jihad Theater to take proper precautions. He has requested police protection after an Iranian group put a $150,000 bounty on his head. Forouz Raja'ee-Far, secretary-general of the Headquarters for Honoring the Martyrs of Islam World Movement, offered the prize because, after all, "it is an obligation for all Muslims to kill Salman Rushdie even if he repents from the bottom of his heart and becomes the pious man of the

What does the Council on American-Islamic Relations have to say? Their Web site has a special "incitement watch" and "action alerts" section for its (dwindling number of) members — but as of Tuesday afternoon, not a peep about the incitement of hatred and violence against Mr. Rushdie. They'll eventually pay lip service to The Religion of Peace, but do not forget Rule No. 5 in the jihadi's guide to etiquette: "You can lie if you do this for jihad."

Pakistani government officials are bleating about the need for "interfaith understanding" and sensitivity. In Washington for meetings with the Bush administration, Pakistan's foreign minister Khurshid Kasuri cooed: "When we talk of a globalized world, we have to be sensitive to each other's concerns."

As anyone with their eyes open through Mr. Rushdie's ordeal, the deadly Muhammad cartoon riots, the calls for beheading the pope, Oriana Fallaci, Ayaan Hirsi Ali and defiant, ex-Muslim apostates around the world knows: "Sensitivity" in the jihadi world is a one-way, dead-end street.

Critics beware*-*Nation/Politics*-*The Washington Times, America's Newspaper


New Member
Good post notso,
I concede that enabler may be a bit harsh....coward may be more apt!

The jihadists are on a bloodthirsty mission and absolutely do not represent the majority of muslims....the very fact that there are so many moderate muslims who will not even speak out regarding the atrocious behavior of their fellow muslims allows this scourge to continue!
Just look at the situation in UK regarding Rushdie.....these people actually blame Rushdie for touching off violence....this is so convoluted as to be laughable if it were not so dire...

"This man not only provoked violence around the world because of his writings, but there were many people who were killed around the world. ... Forgiving and forgetting is one thing, but honoring the man who has blood on his hands, sort of, because of what he did, I think is going a bit too far."

Sort of?

Yes, you see, it's always the fault of the accused insulter. Never the fault of the sword-wielders, fatwa-issuers, fire-setters and blood-lusters.

It's always the fault of the Western "extremists." Never the fault of the "moderate" followers of jihad.

The deaf and blind will dismiss this latest episode of manufactured Muslim outrage as a marginal outburst. But Mr. Rushdie, the target of death threats dating back to 1988 over his book "The Satanic Verses," has seen enough performances of Jihad Theater to take proper precautions. He has requested police protection after an Iranian group put a $150,000 bounty on his head. Forouz Raja'ee-Far, secretary-general of the Headquarters for Honoring the Martyrs of Islam World Movement, offered the prize because, after all, "it is an obligation for all Muslims to kill Salman Rushdie even if he repents from the bottom of his heart and becomes the pious man of the

What does the Council on American-Islamic Relations have to say? Their Web site has a special "incitement watch" and "action alerts" section for its (dwindling number of) members — but as of Tuesday afternoon, not a peep about the incitement of hatred and violence against Mr. Rushdie. They'll eventually pay lip service to The Religion of Peace, but do not forget Rule No. 5 in the jihadi's guide to etiquette: "You can lie if you do this for jihad."

Pakistani government officials are bleating about the need for "interfaith understanding" and sensitivity. In Washington for meetings with the Bush administration, Pakistan's foreign minister Khurshid Kasuri cooed: "When we talk of a globalized world, we have to be sensitive to each other's concerns."

As anyone with their eyes open through Mr. Rushdie's ordeal, the deadly Muhammad cartoon riots, the calls for beheading the pope, Oriana Fallaci, Ayaan Hirsi Ali and defiant, ex-Muslim apostates around the world knows: "Sensitivity" in the jihadi world is a one-way, dead-end street.

Critics beware*-*Nation/Politics*-*The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
If I didn't know better, I'd think you didn't like muslims,~LOL~.


Active Member
The Christian history of depravity is well known and understood....but that was a long time ago....Christians are NOT behaving
like barbarians any longer (with VERY few exceptions.)
On the other hand, the fanatical Islamists are perpetrating these horrendous acts EVERY day....this is about the here and now, not the sordid history of is your point remotely relevant to the heinous deeds committed in the name of Allah TODAY?
Moderate Muslims condone these barbarous acts thru their silence.
Shame on them.
Obviously not ALL Muslims are terrorists....but it seems to me they are ALL enablers....shameful and unacceptable behavior, IMO!
Excellent observation, Wavels. You deserve a bag of bud for that one. :mrgreen: The Christian religion's various permutations gave up killing in the name of god centuries ago. Islam, however, has not.


Well-Known Member
has the world gone fuckin crazy been watchin this documentry about muslims an the effects round the world it started with austrila these muslims running about beatin any 1 thats not a muslim an tellin the girls on the beach 2 cover up or be raped a place were sunbathing is world wide known an they gang raped a teenage girl now the aussies r changin things 2 suit them then in scotland they lifed a young lad at 15 drove him off an stabbed him 20 times as he screamed im only 15 i dident do nothing an the pour,d petrol on him then light it in england they hav changed the name christmas to x mas to suit them in places an they our even scared 2 metion the word muslim on tv incase it offends , i myself was in roural ireland a few weeks back where the old foke still speak galic an went in2 a shop 2 get ciggys an a bunch of muslims jumped out an stood round me like i was in to rob the place . there,s an old sayin when in rome do what the romans do , these people has no respect 4 any 1 that believes diffrent from them every country the go 2 they demand people to change there culture to suit them an then they call you raisis by no means am i but these people our a joke i think keep them out an you wont hav a prob , just my views what do you,s think.... peace
In brief, because I could write for pages about how WRONG you are:

I live in an area in Britain which is densely populated with Muslims and live with them peacefully and respectfully.

Needless to say, most, if not all of what you have said is a complete and utter idiotic lie that offends me deeply (especially that often pedalled CRAP about X mas). Apart from the fact that you don't seem to have the emotional maturity to browse these forums with the rest of us, it is my opinion from what I have gathered that these froums are a place to discuss views ,not to pedal unsupported, seemingly Anti-Muslim views.

I also assume you have never, or very rarely, judging by your comments, come into contact with Muslim people and therefore cannot understand what peaceful and spiritual people the majority of them are. Many of my friends at school were Muslims and I felt no divide or alienation between us.

And finally and deliciously ironically, the biggest murderer on this earth at the moment is a Rich White Christian.

His name?

George W Bush.

Peace - To All.


Well-Known Member
Excellent observation, Wavels. You deserve a bag of bud for that one. :mrgreen: The Christian religion's various permutations gave up killing in the name of god centuries ago. Islam, however, has not.
This is also an IDIOTIC thing to say.

Let us cast our minds back to NOW when Christian country's (Britain and America) crusades into certain Middle Eastern countries in the search for oil (What WMD's??!) have killed hundreds of thousands of inncocent people.

And, if you say that our goverment's actions do not speak for the whole country (i.e. YOU), then why do you say that "Islam, however, has not" given up killing in the name of god when only a few isolated extremists have done so?


Well-Known Member
In brief, because I could write for pages about how WRONG you are:

I live in an area in Britain which is densely populated with Muslims and live with them peacefully and respectfully.

Needless to say, most, if not all of what you have said is a complete and utter idiotic lie that offends me deeply (especially that often pedalled CRAP about X mas). Apart from the fact that you don't seem to have the emotional maturity to browse these forums with the rest of us, it is my opinion from what I have gathered that these froums are a place to discuss views ,not to pedal unsupported, seemingly Anti-Muslim views.

I also assume you have never, or very rarely, judging by your comments, come into contact with Muslim people and therefore cannot understand what peaceful and spiritual people the majority of them are. Many of my friends at school were Muslims and I felt no divide or alienation between us.

And finally and deliciously ironically, the biggest murderer on this earth at the moment is a Rich White Christian.

His name?

George W Bush.

Peace - To All.

your eather deaf blind stupid or muslim !
english people cant even walk through muslim areas in england orthey,d get beat 2 death i says there r some proper holy muslim but they r taught 2 hate white people an any 1 else believes diffrentevery country in the world that they move 2 has the same prob, with england scotland ireland usa an the austrilian roits how does killin as many none believers an yur self make u a martor an get u 2 heaven , an them cristian crusades u go an about that was that far back id of been a celt then ,if they were all kept in that asian desert were there little money an no food they would be worse of so y when they get the chance of a better life they still go out against none believers who cares what u believe if the dont like girls that arnt coverd head 2 toe so no 1 can c them an the god we pray 2 the should fuck of back 2 the shit hole the came from no 1 wants them an they dont like it so makes scence


Well-Known Member
your eather deaf blind stupid or muslim !
english people cant even walk through muslim areas in england orthey,d get beat 2 death i says there r some proper holy muslim but they r taught 2 hate white people an any 1 else believes diffrentevery country in the world that they move 2 has the same prob, with england scotland ireland usa an the austrilian roits how does killin as many none believers an yur self make u a martor an get u 2 heaven , an them cristian crusades u go an about that was that far back id of been a celt then ,if they were all kept in that asian desert were there little money an no food they would be worse of so y when they get the chance of a better life they still go out against none believers who cares what u believe if the dont like girls that arnt coverd head 2 toe so no 1 can c them an the god we pray 2 the should fuck of back 2 the shit hole the came from no 1 wants them an they dont like it so makes scence
Listen: I don't know what kind of stupid, uneducated hateful sort of person you are, but the above comment is just a massive lie. It depresses me that you believe these things and I pity you.

I walk through Muslim areas everyday of my life and I'M alive.

Look little Marky, SEE HOW I TYPE.

I can stand educated critcal comments on how the Muslim religion may have it's probelms, just like any other religion, but you are just spouting racist crap and I hope you see the light soon and don't go around your entire life, believing these LIES that you so insistently tell.


Well-Known Member
go an walk through blackburn leeds or bradford then after 6 if u r white british u wont come out alive


Well-Known Member
im hardly rasis there r all rasis live beside me black chinese polish french no hassle from any of them an if i do seem rasis its them that has made me this way

yur the 1 spoutin crap siting there with yur reading glass,s on if its a lie how come its on every news across the world go walk through north blackburn an c what happens u then


Well-Known Member
Timothy McVie that blew up the Trade Center was of the Baptist Religion.
Does that mean ALL Baptist are terrorist or monsters?
Lee Harvery Oswald was a Catholic, so do we hate all Catholics?

Muhamed Ali and Cat Stevens are both Muslims and yet they are great men that do much charity and great things for mankind!

George Bush is Methodist. Are all Methodist War Mongers?

All Muslims are not Black, or Terrorist or Monsters.
Those people you mention as criminals weren't acting in the name of their religion. And if they did, we'd condemn it. Muslims are acting in the name of their religion and other Muslims give it silent support.


Active Member
Listen: I don't know what kind of stupid, uneducated hateful sort of person you are, but the above comment is just a massive lie. It depresses me that you believe these things and I pity you.

I walk through Muslim areas everyday of my life and I'M alive.

Look little Marky, SEE HOW I TYPE.

I can stand educated critcal comments on how the Muslim religion may have it's probelms, just like any other religion, but you are just spouting racist crap and I hope you see the light soon and don't go around your entire life, believing these LIES that you so insistently tell.
Mark i'm going to have to agree with my mate jolly bro... i think these views are a bit fanatical in there own right and i have lost respect for this thread after seeing such un-educated baseless claims... that last one about britons not being able to walk through a muslim area was bloody un-intelligent... in actuallity ... i had a muslim supply when i first moved here... and my mates... flat-mate is muslim and smokes down with us regularly and is the most amazing bloke with the most amazing views on life.... (peace, love, solidarity for justice and stopping oppression...) just from my "WASP" friends in the states i could tell you majority had none of that...



Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by TheJollyBrother
In brief, because I could write for pages about how WRONG you are:

I live in an area in Britain which is densely populated with Muslims and live with them peacefully and respectfully.

Needless to say, most, if not all of what you have said is a complete and utter idiotic lie that offends me deeply (especially that often pedalled CRAP about X mas). Apart from the fact that you don't seem to have the emotional maturity to browse these forums with the rest of us, it is my opinion from what I have gathered that these froums are a place to discuss views ,not to pedal unsupported, seemingly Anti-Muslim views.

I also assume you have never, or very rarely, judging by your comments, come into contact with Muslim people and therefore cannot understand what peaceful and spiritual people the majority of them are. Many of my friends at school were Muslims and I felt no divide or alienation between us.

And finally and deliciously ironically, the biggest murderer on this earth at the moment is a Rich White Christian.

His name?

George W Bush.

Peace - To All.

your eather deaf blind stupid or muslim !
english people cant even walk through muslim areas in england orthey,d get beat 2 death i says there r some proper holy muslim but they r taught 2 hate white people an any 1 else believes diffrentevery country in the world that they move 2 has the same prob, with england scotland ireland usa an the austrilian roits how does killin as many none believers an yur self make u a martor an get u 2 heaven , an them cristian crusades u go an about that was that far back id of been a celt then ,if they were all kept in that asian desert were there little money an no food they would be worse of so y when they get the chance of a better life they still go out against none believers who cares what u believe if the dont like girls that arnt coverd head 2 toe so no 1 can c them an the god we pray 2 the should fuck of back 2 the shit hole the came from no 1 wants them an they dont like it s

Most people who think like this are very sheltered Jolly, They are the type that live in a small town, never have traveled or seen or been around different cultures, so they get this predisposition to hate, probably from his father or hateful mother, it comes from somewhere. When people arent exposed to different cultures or religions they become callous and hard headed about what they think. I know tons and tons of great muslim men and women, respectful, loving and a important fabric which makes this nation what it is. Its the hateful people that are going to continue to keep confrontation thriving. Grow some weed Mark not hate. Smoke a bowl really smoke some good shit and think about the hate you have in your heart, does that make you feel better? In fact it makes you feel like shit to have that hate, let it go. Smoke a bowl please, smoke two or three


Well-Known Member
this is what i think about them:

the funny thing about mcveigh and oswald is that their fanaticism is 1) not based on their holy book and 2) even if it were (which it's not) their actions are in the tiniest of minorities within their religions.

with islam there is a prescribed, systematic application of violence not only to all outsiders, whom they affectionately dub "infidels", but even to their own people.

surveys show that anywhere from 1/4 to 1/3 of them are "extremists".
It is the legal systems put in place through out the world preventing them all from becoming "extremist." The very root of there religion demands death to all "infidels." The remaining 2/3rds that are not "extremist" because they dont follow there religion to the fullest extent. Its a religion based on a destortion of the true word of God. Those following the "good" version are simply decieved, there true religion is far from being nice and peaceful.


Well-Known Member
i dont hate no 1 bud i just told the people about what the muslims r doing in every country they move 2 do u think i would go out of my way 2 make stuff about muslims its what they r doing
dont b tryin 2 judge me wetbud theres plently of them here were i live yur obivously just a muslim defending them im from a big city i luv meetin ppl from diffrent cultures just them fucks have no respect so i hav no respect 4 them an what they believe i disagree with
dont think g bush has killed any 1 tho is he not sendin hes troops over 2 stop the muslims killin an tourchern there own ppl an freeing little disabled kids that were chained 2 hospital beds
go get on your camel an chase yur sis wetbud


Well-Known Member
Well everyone, if you have read this thread I can conclude one thing, an uneducated person whos brain has had way too many bong rips. Actually sorry Mary, I am not going to blame this on you, maybe its his parents who were super racist and they made the poor kid like this. He wasnt born with this much hate. Someone had to add the hate nutrients to his plate when he was young. Too bad he wasnt a male plant and chopped. PEace LOVE to all


Active Member
This is also an IDIOTIC thing to say.

Let us cast our minds back to NOW when Christian country's (Britain and America) crusades into certain Middle Eastern countries in the search for oil (What WMD's??!) have killed hundreds of thousands of inncocent people.
Dude, religion wasn't the driving force. Hell, you can hardly say Britain is a Christian country, they are secular. Nobody ever mounted a crusade into any ME countries searching for oil.

And, if you say that our goverment's actions do not speak for the whole country (i.e. YOU), then why do you say that "Islam, however, has not" given up killing in the name of god when only a few isolated extremists have done so?
The "few, isolated extremists" you speak of were able to murder 3,000 innocent men, women and children, starting this war. Estimates of the number of extremists generally range from 10 to 20 percent, and many experts rate the numbers much higher.


Well-Known Member
yes them muslims r my hate nutrent an i luv how use make out that every thing is a myth that wee lad in scotland gettin set in fire was that a myth kids all over england not just white kids black kids 2 an the belief that they can rape girls if they r showin there body on sunny days an there answer 2 this is that what they were lookin there is a big split in auastrila over this an them bomers r they a myth 2