MUST take a hit before reading


Active Member
It's only fair, considering I took a hit before writing. :leaf:

I was watching a show that stated technology growth is 100% yearly. Were getting better, faster, & smarter with technology. That goes for ALL technology, satellite, TVs, phones, cars, computers, GAMES (as in Nintendo, Playstation).

...So naturally, this intrigued my thoughts. It made me ponder where we came from, how we came to existence. Could our entire existence be a program, a game? Look at the first video-games, the graphics... Pong, Frogger - now we have games like COD, in a matter of how many years? I would assume by the year 2100 we will have already created a gaming system that puts players in a virtual gaming-world. Like those virtual reality games that came out during the 90's, but WAY better.

Imagine what type of games you could play, say SIMS for example. You become the actual player in the game. An entire virtual gaming-world in high definition, 3d, or 4d rather, all the works.

Now imagine we took it a bit further... a game that allowed us to create a virtual world like we were GOD. What if WE (as in me & you) are the "SIMS" in someone's virtual gaming-world? Were just a program, a string of codes, written onto a disc, or whatever games will be on in the future. Were just in someone's computer, someone's Playstation 20. We don't exist outside this game. There's a million other "Earth's" just like ours, maybe with different names, different planets, different laws, but they're all the same game.

When volcanoes erupt or Earthquakes hit, maybe that's part of the game, to make it harder for the creator of the world. Like the Tycoon games & stuff like to make it hard to manage the "Theme Park" you make by having rides break down & stuff. Same thing, but instead of a created theme park, it's a created world & were just part of it. The point of the game is to see how long you can manage a world before it ends.

... Lol, high thoughts are fun thoughts.


Well-Known Member
If this is a game I must say it sucks. I mean no gravity would be fun like if someone put in a cheat code or something. The player watch us sleep 7+ hours a night. The player also has to watch us play games or watch television. I'm just saying for is a better game then the playstation 20's game.

Kind initiation BTW. I'm gonna take another hit and think about this some more. :)


Active Member
Think about it though. Are the SIMS games really fun?
I mean, you create a fucking house, pimp it out a bit, then you quit after about 4 hours MAX.
Who plays though? Kids, teens, some adults... but the game doesn't attract big gaming-hours from players like COD, Battlefield, WOW, etc.
So, who says the person who created US didn't just stop playing?
We could easily be on an online server or something.

Lol. Think about it.


Well-Known Member
virtual reality is a bad idea, especially if they ever make an online shooter that makes you feel like you're there. allowing you to run and jump and take cover behind shit.

people would never leave the house.


Well-Known Member
Think about it though. Are the SIMS games really fun?
I mean, you create a fucking house, pimp it out a bit, then you quit after about 4 hours MAX.
Who plays though? Kids, teens, some adults... but the game doesn't attract big gaming-hours from players like COD, Battlefield, WOW, etc.
So, who says the person who created US didn't just stop playing?
We could easily be on an online server or something.

Lol. Think about it.
Yeah I guess. So how long have you been crazy? Nah nah just messing with you dude.
It would be fucking crazy. I wonder who the best SIM is? Probably me. Idk.


Well-Known Member
virtual reality is a bad idea, especially if they ever make an online shooter that makes you feel like you're there. allowing you to run and jump and take cover behind shit.

people would never leave the house.
they wouldn't have to ever leave their house, muhahahaha!!!!


Well-Known Member
Damnit man I'm already a very paranoid guy, and now I can't stop thinking everything I do is being controlled. Maybe even my personality is even controlled maybe this is a flaw in the players character (me), maybe he has to find a way to get around my paranoia. Well I guess I should just enjoy my virtual life.


Well-Known Member
It's only fair, considering I took a hit before writing. :leaf:

I was watching a show that stated technology growth is 100% yearly. Were getting better, faster, & smarter with technology. That goes for ALL technology, satellite, TVs, phones, cars, computers, GAMES (as in Nintendo, Playstation).

...So naturally, this intrigued my thoughts. It made me ponder where we came from, how we came to existence. Could our entire existence be a program, a game? Look at the first video-games, the graphics... Pong, Frogger - now we have games like COD, in a matter of how many years? I would assume by the year 2100 we will have already created a gaming system that puts players in a virtual gaming-world. Like those virtual reality games that came out during the 90's, but WAY better.

Imagine what type of games you could play, say SIMS for example. You become the actual player in the game. An entire virtual gaming-world in high definition, 3d, or 4d rather, all the works.

Now imagine we took it a bit further... a game that allowed us to create a virtual world like we were GOD. What if WE (as in me & you) are the "SIMS" in someone's virtual gaming-world? Were just a program, a string of codes, written onto a disc, or whatever games will be on in the future. Were just in someone's computer, someone's Playstation 20. We don't exist outside this game. There's a million other "Earth's" just like ours, maybe with different names, different planets, different laws, but they're all the same game.

When volcanoes erupt or Earthquakes hit, maybe that's part of the game, to make it harder for the creator of the world. Like the Tycoon games & stuff like to make it hard to manage the "Theme Park" you make by having rides break down & stuff. Same thing, but instead of a created theme park, it's a created world & were just part of it. The point of the game is to see how long you can manage a world before it ends.

... Lol, high thoughts are fun thoughts.
This goes along the idea of a "Creator God"
But we have to realize that life is not a game, there is no man in the sky watching to make sure everything happens "right".

We have to do that.