My 1 and half month old plant.


Well-Known Member
whoa by that time shes gonna be HUGE GANTIC lol!!!!!!! ok hahaha yea ill do that. what do you think i should buy for nutes, ive been doing this organically i used walmart nutes one time, it was miracle grow, but nothing seemed to happen. anyway some leaves are getting brown spots is this due to the darkness? how could i fix this its only the larger fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
whoa by that time shes gonna be HUGE GANTIC lol!!!!!!! ok hahaha yea ill do that. what do you think i should buy for nutes, ive been doing this organically i used walmart nutes one time, it was miracle grow, but nothing seemed to happen. anyway some leaves are getting brown spots is this due to the darkness? how could i fix this its only the larger fan leaves.
well once you get them back onto 24/0 take thoes leafs off if its not gona cause problums and see how she does

SOG can be your friend


Well-Known Member
uhh its an 8 by 8 pot i dont think its a gallon, im gonna have to get more soil compost, and a bigger pot on the 3rd of april 2 i guess with that time, i think shes about a ft and a half.


Well-Known Member
very tall probably 10 ft. but im not trying to grow like mad, if its a female i still have no way to get rid of smell, but i dont have to worry bout that it wont escape my room its air tight, anyway uh on the third im gonna replace all my 23w cfls that produce 100w of power to the 46w that produce 150w power because thats what is over plant and its very bright so imma replace 4 of those with 150w replacements.


Well-Known Member
very tall probably 10 ft. but im not trying to grow like mad, if its a female i still have no way to get rid of smell, but i dont have to worry bout that it wont escape my room its air tight, anyway uh on the third im gonna replace all my 23w cfls that produce 100w of power to the 46w that produce 150w power because thats what is over plant and its very bright so imma replace 4 of those with 150w replacements.
ok well you can always split your grow area one for veg and one for bud and you can split both the veg and bud area into half for max usage of the space


Well-Known Member
As you seen from my thread, all I did was take a regular tarp that you would use for a bed of a truck or covering a boat. I stapled/duct taped Emergency Blanket (you can get this from Wal-Mart for $1.70 if you can't find mylar) this is just as good as mylar and in my opinion a whole lot cheaper. The emergency blanket will block the light especially if you put it on both sides of the tarp. Hope this was helpful!