My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

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New Member
Damn I thought that was just a different grade of hash! I wouldn't have mixed it all together if I knew that! The first run was the light brown stuff, afterwards, everything had some green!
What do you do about that generally?!

And it's takes regular like hash does lol even tho it's colorful and didn't think it was an issue as I've had green hash before!
Ended up with 20.7 grams BTW! It's now one compressed brick just chillin!

But #helloworld!

Today's project consists of finishing my soil mix!
Gonna break down my final root mass, get as many roots outta the soil as possible, and add some forest and mushroom compost, as well as EWCs to the mix! Mix it up real good, brew myself an AACT and jump start the next batch of soil!
Just when I think I gotta day off, I find something I can go ahead and get done!

Haha the life of a #herbman hustling!


Well-Known Member
Damn I thought that was just a different grade of hash! I wouldn't have mixed it all together if I knew that! The first run was the light brown stuff, afterwards, everything had some green!
What do you do about that generally?!

And it's takes regular like hash does lol even tho it's colorful and didn't think it was an issue as I've had green hash before!
Ended up with 20.7 grams BTW! It's now one compressed brick just chillin!

But #helloworld!

Today's project consists of finishing my soil mix!
Gonna break down my final root mass, get as many roots outta the soil as possible, and add some forest and mushroom compost, as well as EWCs to the mix! Mix it up real good, brew myself an AACT and jump start the next batch of soil!
Just when I think I gotta day off, I find something I can go ahead and get done!

Haha the life of a #herbman hustling!
wheres the pictures of the hash!!???


Well-Known Member
Damn I thought that was just a different grade of hash! I wouldn't have mixed it all together if I knew that! The first run was the light brown stuff, afterwards, everything had some green!
What do you do about that generally?!

And it's takes regular like hash does lol even tho it's colorful and didn't think it was an issue as I've had green hash before!
Ended up with 20.7 grams BTW! It's now one compressed brick just chillin!

But #helloworld!

Today's project consists of finishing my soil mix!
Gonna break down my final root mass, get as many roots outta the soil as possible, and add some forest and mushroom compost, as well as EWCs to the mix! Mix it up real good, brew myself an AACT and jump start the next batch of soil!
Just when I think I gotta day off, I find something I can go ahead and get done!

Haha the life of a #herbman hustling!
Nope the green tint is chlorophyll from the plant. It means that the dry ice was left to long and started pulling it from the stems,leaves, anything that was in there. Same thing happens with iso and all concentrates, if it's left to long in the solution you run the risk of pulling all that extra shit you don't want.

It's cool though bro, it wont hurt you any it will just have a diff taste. Just some info for your next time :D


New Member
"Blowin that own grown,
what you know about it/
Don’t need a supply I’m own
what you know about it/
From seed to the jar hella strong,
what you know about it/
This year a nigga gettin on,
watch him go about it."


@ Giggs, thanks for the info bro, I wish I woulda constuled with you prior too. I figured I'd shake the bucket until further notice lol.
When I looked in there afterwards....Str8 powder. So I dig you post bro! +rep for that for sure...I don't spread enough around apparently lol..I'm too busy trying to learn to follow everyone! But thanks as always champ. Better with experience right?!

@ Beech, the hash taste like hash you know? I don't taste the green in it..But I def. see it.
It doesn't really have a distinct flavor tho, as I use leaf from all of the "big 3".
I'll get a pick of that 18g brick I made lol but putting it under the bed post for a while.
And I don't have any plans for it as of right now. It's on chill lol.

I am ABSOLUTELY #inmyzone right now!


Well-Known Member
hmm you have never heard of curing hash?

its kinda the same concept as curing bud...when you use really fresh trim theres still lots of chlorophyl in the end product (especially ice water hash using the siphoning method) so when its done it can have a "green" taste to it..letting it "cure" will take that away..

hash is pretty much dried completly out anyways so humidity and moisture levels i dont believe play a role but just more or less aging it to let the green chlorophyl dissipate or die off..maybe i have no idea what im talking about lol.....wouldnt be a first HAHA


New Member
Did some reading and some looking around and everything I've seen says there's no reason to cure it. It's done. Flash dried.
Also looked around at a few other drive ice techniques, and they all turn out green so it seems to be the norm for the method if you ask me.
That's my novice-ness speaking of course.

But every one I've seen has been green bro...Or had a green tint too it!
Any input is welcome bro??


Well-Known Member
hmm you have never heard of curing hash?

its kinda the same concept as curing bud...when you use really fresh trim theres still lots of chlorophyl in the end product (especially ice water hash using the siphoning method) so when its done it can have a "green" taste to it..letting it "cure" will take that away..

hash is pretty much dried completly out anyways so humidity and moisture levels i dont believe play a role but just more or less aging it to let the green chlorophyl dissipate or die off..maybe i have no idea what im talking about lol.....wouldnt be a first HAHA
Nope,Never made it.Just seen em smoke it on the tube.Did buy it for 90 bucks a oz 15yrs ago.Just made a ball and stuck it on a needle then put it under a mason jar,when jar was full of smoke we just sucked it out.Boy tht was a long time ago!


Well-Known Member
Did some reading and some looking around and everything I've seen says there's no reason to cure it. It's done. Flash dried.
Also looked around at a few other drive ice techniques, and they all turn out green so it seems to be the norm for the method if you ask me.
That's my novice-ness speaking of course.

But every one I've seen has been green bro...Or had a green tint too it!
Any input is welcome bro??
Input.... I need to sample it!!Might need to throw it out:roll:Hows it feel my man smoking something tht you know everything tht has been put in IT!And You grew yourself=Priceless


New Member
Lol I DEF. am NOT throwing ANYTHING out hahaha. And it smokes good man! Don't taste like green...It taste like hash. And the high is a hash high! The upity, giggity high that don't bring on laziness!

I've packed it up and put it up for now!
Either gonna let my caregiver get it and do his cooking thing with it, or do my cooking think with it! I figure it'll go a lot longer in edibles.
But it feels soo damn good big homie! I can't tell you man. I've been high non-stop for the last 3 weeks or so and I'm still sitting on 4 FULL jars and a lump of hash w/ 5 plants to go! The best word to descibe what I am is addicted lol. I've attained a life skill that is a valuable an ANY OTHER out there.
I'm all in captain. Bout to break bad with it lol :joint:


New Member
Happy plants! I'm thinking my next ge crop have another 3-4 weeks??? What do you guys think?
Bagseed @ 84days from seed.jpgBagseed Budshot #1.jpgBagseed Main Cola Budshot.jpgBagseed.
Delicious Seeds Critical Jack @ 84days from seed.jpgDelicious Seeds Critical Jack Herer
Seedsman White Widow @ 84days from seed.jpgSeedsman White Widow
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