My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

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Well-Known Member
Yess suhhh :joint:


(from Latin: senescere, meaning “to grow old,” from senex) or biological aging is the endogenous and hereditary process of accumulative changes to molecular and cellular structure disrupting metabolism with the passage of time, resulting in deterioration and death.
LOL,Whats with the 5 dollar word.......For old and dying,still lol.
Reef I dont have a good Camera,My ex wife does tho.I can get cha a chitty phone pic.I lost my I phone at the damn lake when i bent over was in front pockett,over the weekend.
There looking good tho im impressed buds the size of a golf ball and very frosty at 3 weeks F.
And they Stink Soooo good even when in Vegg.:weed:


Well-Known Member
must be fast finishers... i've seen your flower room beech use some of that money on a camera ;) are you growing soil or hydro beech?


Well-Known Member
Mostly Soil,But i do have a few Waterfarms,And yea i need too, im just pissed about my other Camera:cuss:.
Wheres the pic 420..........


New Member
Today this girl is 102 days from seed! It's gone A LOT longer than I thought it would honestly!
No more than 3 more weeks for everything.

Seedsman White Widow - Side View.jpgSeedsman White Widow - Side View Close Up.jpgDSCN2002.jpgSeedsman White Widow - Colas Go Down To The Bottom!.jpg
Seedsman White Widow - Cola Size #1.jpgSeedsman White Widow - Cola Size #3.jpgSeedsman White Widow - Cola Size #2.jpg
Seedsman White Widow - Cola Love.jpgSeedsman White Widow - Purdy Buds!.jpgSeedsman White Widow - Cola Close Up.jpgSeedsman White Widow - Close Up Frost).jpg
Seedsman White Widow - Formation.jpgNot a very thick stem but NICE formation!
Seedsman White Widow - 1st Signs Of Senescence!(Yellowing For Old Folk LOL).jpgSeedsman White Widow - 1st Signs Of Senescence!(Yellowing For Old Folk LOL) #2.jpg1st signs of senescence(that's yellowing for special folk lol :mrgreen:)

Seedsman White Widow Under HPS but Off.jpg

The Gang!.jpg"Gang Green"


Well-Known Member

Tip burn.....Soil is Hot!!Whats the ppm of your AACT?
Oh,You dont have a meter.Better talk to Craig,or Mr Amazon.
Im like the yellow leaf about ran my course Too!


New Member
With the last tea I tossed in some Azomite.
Im thinking it was a combo of that and the heat.

Gonna give teas all the way thru tho, no flush.
So the next couple waterings I'll hit em with nice balanced teas.
Gonna try the lime one more time as they seemed to like it last time.
Azomite has been nixed from the AACT list tho lol.

I added it because I read that it provides extra surface area in the teas.
The kelp is good for that too tho, so no need for the azo in the tea.

The others are cool tho. I'll feature another tomo.
But idk the ppm of the tea boss...I'll get a meter in between grows just for the uff of it lol.
Wouldn't hurt nothing and I got the time.

Still gonna get that worm bin too.
No need to get it RIGHT now tho..


Well-Known Member
With the last tea I tossed in some Azomite.
Im thinking it was a combo of that and the heat.

Gonna give teas all the way thru tho, no flush.
So the next couple waterings I'll hit em with nice balanced teas.
Gonna try the lime one more time as they seemed to like it last time.
Azomite has been nixed from the AACT list tho lol.

I added it because I read that it provides extra surface area in the teas.
The kelp is good for that too tho, so no need for the azo in the tea.

The others are cool tho. I'll feature another tomo.
But idk the ppm of the tea boss...I'll get a meter in between grows just for the uff of it lol.
Wouldn't hurt nothing and I got the time.

Still gonna get that worm bin too.
No need to get it RIGHT now tho..
Holy chit i only had to read it one time!:clap:
And i was talking about the report pic of the Shoreline:rolleyes:,But those are some nice pics.
I want a Face palm Smiley.
p.s. Your Bonnie type that........


New Member
Ha.Ha.Ha lol! I'm on the mac! Got a keyboard rather than a touch screen haha!
Lets talk about YOUUUUU Mr. I don't do I phones but then tell Reef you lost your iphone lol.

And ok about talking about that pic. I thought you meant of the WW.
But cheers as always captain!

These are gonna be a BREEZE to harvest!
Much more bud than leaf! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Shhhhhhhhh.Lol,Who dosent have one ya know.:o
Really im impressed with this last bunch,Tho. Wasnt expecting em to come out that Big,and 3 weeks more..Nice Job.


Well-Known Member
No thread..Got enough Indoor Ya know. Think i got a hermie..was reading about Feminized seeds and herms and got to looking
and sure enough found 2 sets.


Well-Known Member
you mentioned golf ball sized buds, which is pretty big for 3 weeks... sure maybe you didn't push nutes too hard? that can throw a plant that's temperamental on nutes into hermie... and yeah, that's why i generally stay away from fems... sometimes easier/more convenient isn't the same as better :)


Well-Known Member
No its all organic,I think the Shorelines genes are not very stable,or the Fems.
I did S/C em tho about a week ago.I pulled a bud off and inspected
and its got seeds forming,actual hulls yellow and round just like a seed.
I dryed and smoked it and did get a real good buzz,There so frosty,can only imagin
How strong there gonna be,just gotta figure out what to do now so i dont get the hole op pollenated.


Well-Known Member
I had hell getting em to germ also and told SOS and they sent me like 15 more seeds,10pack of the Shorelines.
So theres somthing going on with em i assume.
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