My 1st grow

Hi everyone…I am new to this site and forum. I am a long time stoner…almost 31 years now. And in all those years, I never once tried to grow my own. Not until now. And I have chosen my fave plant…the beloved White Widow. I have tried growing organically for what is now my second attempt. So far 10 have died and 2 are going pretty strong. The organic ladies are a personal attempt at proving I can do it. I have feminized seeds from Dutch Passion, soil is Fox Farm Oceans Forest & Miracle-Gro & Perlite (3 - 1 - 1), and I have a homemade co2 set up along with grow lights over the top of them. I am sure I will do fine with these.

My question is, I am about to attempt hydro. I am buying a DWC set up and putting it into my grow-cab. The only lights I will be using are the grow lights hanging over them (150 w blue cfl). The hydro kit comes with nutes already provided…so how long should a veg & bud cycle take using this sort of set up ? I am on both a tight budget and tight schedule sue to my moving within the next 2 months. Here is the link to the system I am going to use

Any advice will be very appreciated. I am a musician…not a gardener. So if I seem ignorant at certain times on here…please bear with me. I'll put pix up when I figure out how.



Active Member
Well if you are on a tight budget i would go with T5 Flourescent light lights. You should try searching for a sunblaze 4 bulb 2 foot fixture. That thing packs about 8000 lumens for a very cheap price. I dont know all about that DWC, but my first grow is goin pretty good with just fox farm and vermiculite, with no nutes. Miracle Grow will burn your plants... Is that how your first ten died?...

How long you should veg for really depends on how tall and wide you want your plants to be. I hear you should expect your plants to be 3 times bigger than they are when you start flowering at 12/12. I have mine at 24/7 and im just gonna bend and break the plant so it will topple over if it gets too big during flowering. I don't know in your case i would do a lot of research and start right into your f7irst grow with pics. That will get users interested.

As for that setup i am very impressed that you have found such a thing for a cheap price. You may have persuaded me to start goin with hydro. But until then i am waiting to see if my one plant is a girl :-). Congratulations on trying to grow your own. I know many of people your age still buying off the streets. It just makes so much sense for middle aged people to start growing there own. No offense anyway heh. Best of luck to ya, and check on my grow if ya want to learn to gather.
Well if you are on a tight budget i would go with T5 Flourescent light lights. You should try searching for a sunblaze 4 bulb 2 foot fixture. That thing packs about 8000 lumens for a very cheap price. I dont know all about that DWC, but my first grow is goin pretty good with just fox farm and vermiculite, with no nutes. Miracle Grow will burn your plants... Is that how your first ten died?...

How long you should veg for really depends on how tall and wide you want your plants to be. I hear you should expect your plants to be 3 times bigger than they are when you start flowering at 12/12. I have mine at 24/7 and im just gonna bend and break the plant so it will topple over if it gets too big during flowering. I don't know in your case i would do a lot of research and start right into your f7irst grow with pics. That will get users interested.

As for that setup i am very impressed that you have found such a thing for a cheap price. You may have persuaded me to start goin with hydro. But until then i am waiting to see if my one plant is a girl :-). Congratulations on trying to grow your own. I know many of people your age still buying off the streets. It just makes so much sense for middle aged people to start growing there own. No offense anyway heh. Best of luck to ya, and check on my grow if ya want to learn to gather.

OK…first off, Thanxxx for the responses. Second, I am gonna simplify this by describing the grow in detail.

My seeds are Dutch Passion Feminized White Widow.

My soil is a mix of 3 parts Fox Farm Oceans Forrest to 1 part MG to 1 part Perlite. I used pure MG timed released the first time out and it burned my babies to death. But on my budget, I can’t afford the Fox Farm Grow Big like I want. So I added 1 part MG timed release potting soil to 3 parts FFOF along with 1 part Perlite in order to give these ladies some nutes…only in a weakened state. I am also watering with MG All Purpose Fertilizer mixed a little weaker than the directions call for. I water only when needed, and I alternate using tap water left standing for 24 hours (to eliminate chlorine) every other watering.

I found a method online on how to create a co2 system out of a soda bottle, active yeast, water, and sugar. Since using it the plants have really grown faster. :weed:

The only lights I could afford are Westinghouse 150 w “blue” plant grow bulbs. They are working pretty well. I mean MH or HPS…but like I said, I am on a very tight budget.

My photoperiod is 24/7 right now. Te temp stays around 78 to 80 degrees and the humidity is usualy pretty high due to the clothes dryer being in the basement too. And I have the 2 survivors in one of my grow cabs in which I was using 4’ cfl’s. But I didn’t know about T-5’s at the time I purchased them. So I got regular cfl’s which are useless. I will look into getting those T-5’s if I can afford them. I might have to work with what I have.

The DWC’s are gonna sit inside each grow cab and hopefully since the system comes with everything including nutes, I will get a decent harvest within the next 45 to 60 days.

Oh yea…about my age. While it is true that I am looking at 50 years old…and I have 5 kids and 2 grand kids, I have a hot girlfriend who is the same age as my oldest daughter…23. I have always said…you’re only as old as you taste. I personally think most metal drummers keep getting the young hot girls as we grow older…it’s an experience thing. :hump:

And I will look in on your grow as well. I look forward to learning the art of growning with as many on here as I can.

Stay baked yall !!!! :peace:
I need some advice on pruning. How exactly do I do it and where on the plant are the best places to prune ? I am sure it is about time to do so. I would appreciate any help yall can give me...thanxxx's day 29 (unless I'm mistaken) and the 2 surviving ladies are still growing and standing strong...

Looks like that light I bought works after all. The nutes are off and the ladies need to be pruned...but the growth is clearly evident. :hump:

I don't understand why the growth rate is so different...they both have gotten the exact same things.

I am pruning the lower leaves and I might top them...not sure yet.

I know I am not accurate on the nutes...I just can't afford the good stuff right now. My divorce is killing me. So I have to work with what my budget allows me to. I hope the DWC hydro system I am begining to use ths week will help me make up for the mistakes and lost time I've experienced with these two. Regardless, these 2 ladies are my personal meds. :joint: I may not be doing everything right...but I damn sure am doing something right ! :peace:


Well-Known Member
you need to stop using MG soil it junk, to strong, plus your using nutes plus whats in the soil...........check my journal out
I may not be doing things "by the book"...but what I am doing seems to be working. :weed:

My nutes aren't exactly perfect...but I am getting growth. Not as fast as what I would like, but I've been laid off from work and I am on a tight ass I have to work with what I can. :joint:

Pruned both of them this past week.

I have a DWC 5 gallon bucket hydro unit on the way and I am wondering if I can cut either of these ladies near the base and dip them in rooting gel like a clone, place them in Rapid Rooter cups and then into the hydro unit. Does anyone have any ideas about this ? :idea:

Oh my 1st DWC hydro unit this 4 White Widow fems germinating right now just for this.

Any ideas about my whole plant clone to hydro suggestions...please let me know ASAP.

Thanxxx yall...stay baked ! :weed: