My 3.5 week old AK47 auto is only 7 inches tall and 13 inch diameter but looks fine


Active Member
I checked the water runoff last night after I read your advisement above and it was 595 ppm so it looks like I might be ok. I'll pay particular attention to this in the future. Over the last few days the upper leaf tips are curling down a bit but there is definitely no yellowing around the leaf edges. Thanks for the baby analogy which makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Here are a few pics. My lights are 10 CFLs - two (68w/4200 lumens/ 2700k each), three (19w/1300 lumens/ 5000k each), and three (26w/1600 lumens/6500k each) all affixed to an inverted 24 inch diameter round alumium pan which is hung above the plant. I also have a panel of red & blue LEDs as side lights and just today I added two 30w/2100 lumens/3500k each CFLs which light the side areas also.View attachment 2922946View attachment 2922947View attachment 2922948View attachment 2922949 This is my first grow so I have no clue where I should be to compare it against. I appreciate any guidance.
Personally, I would do nothing, that's one beautiful bitch ( hopefully ).


Active Member
Interesting greenlikemoney, it seems like most of you gurus feel less is better with autos. My little gal certainly hasn't been given much of anything to this point. I guess I'm an overprotective parent who doesn't want to make any fatal mistakes. I don't know when she will start blooming but do you have any advice when that time comes? I certainly do appreciate all the feedback I'm receiving on this forum. It hasn't fallen on deaf ears. I'll let you in on a secret....I'm not really a big smoker. It's my wife who enjoys the buzz. It puts her in a good mood and I receive the benefits (if you catch my drift). It's a win-win situation for us so any advice I receive is terrific. I hope that is not TMI.


Active Member
I checked the water runoff last night after I read your advisement above and it was 595 ppm so it looks like I might be ok. I'll pay particular attention to this in the future. Over the last few days the upper leaf tips are curling down a bit but there is definitely no yellowing around the leaf edges. Thanks for the baby analogy which makes sense.
I normally feed my autos at 600ppm about week 6.
That chart i put on for you,is for regular plants.I go for 1/2 these figures to start with,
and i can up them if the plant tells me to.
Your leaf tips curling down is a sign of overfeeding.
If it gets any worse you need to get some of those nutes outa there.
Lets hope it doesnt come to that,coz as i said earlier,this is a crucial time of an autos life.
If they dont like the amount of Nitrogen your giving them,they can and will stunt.
Ive had plants that didnt like 300ppm at 3 weeks old.
Hopefully your plant will be ok,but keep a close eye on it.


Active Member
Thanks for the update robro. Sounds like I'm pushing it with the 595 ppm. If the leaf tip dipping is present tomorrow morning I'm inclined to do a 6.5 pH water mini-flush and wait to see improvement for a while. The height of the plant today hasn't gone beyond 7 inches (3 days at same height) and the width of the plant remains at 14 inches but the plant itself seems to be filling in with lots of new young leaves in the canopy. I keep tucking in fan leaves to expose the new growth. I never realized how responsive plants were to various changes in their environment. I'll let you know how things progress and thanks again for checking in on me.


Active Member
Good news. The leaves don't appear to be curling down at the tips as much this morning. The width of the plant has increased to 15 inches overnight and the height has gone up .5 inches to 7.5 inches. Leaves are green but not dark green and no discoloration around leaf margins. The plant almost fills my 7 gallon pot now with one fan leaf hanging over the edge. Do you suggest I wait until next watering and go with maybe a 400 ppm nute dose or flush now with 6.5 pH water? The little girl is 4 weeks old today.


Active Member
Good news. The leaves don't appear to be curling down at the tips as much this morning. The width of the plant has increased to 15 inches overnight and the height has gone up .5 inches to 7.5 inches. Leaves are green but not dark green and no discoloration around leaf margins. The plant almost fills my 7 gallon pot now with one fan leaf hanging over the edge. Do you suggest I wait until next watering and go with maybe a 400 ppm nute dose or flush now with 6.5 pH water? The little girl is 4 weeks old today.
Are your nutes organic,coz they take a bit longer to show any effects.
But no curling of leaves is a good sign,and growth as well.
Im maybe being over cautious but i think i would still mini flush just to get the ppm down.
But thats me,and im not reading the plant,its your call really.
400ppm would seem ok to me to start back feeding.


Active Member
Rebro, I'm using the Fox Farm line including Grow Big and Big Bloom so I don't think that is organic. The plant has really hit a little growth spurt just today and is now over 16 inches wide (at it's widest point) and almost 8 inches tall. That's a full inch wider and a half inch taller than just this morning. I'm going to attach some pics of the plant as of now to give you a better idea of what I'm dealing with. The leaf tips look a lot straighter now. The soil is still a bit most when I stick my finger down in it. You often mention DARK green being an indication of overfeeding so please take a look at the photos which are fairly accurate color. I checked my log and at Day 22 the plant was 6 inches tall and 12.5 inches wide. Today is day 28. I value your opinion and a mini flush is no problem. Better safe than sorry. Also let me know if you need any additional details.plant1-Day28a.jpgplant1-Day28b.jpgplant1-Day28c.jpgplant1-Day28d.jpgplant1-Day28e.jpgplant1-Day28f.jpgplant1-Day28g.jpg


Active Member
The colour looks ok pirate,but those droopy leaves could mean overfeeding.
As youve got 50% perlite 50% promix i dont think it will be overwatering.
I took a look at your first pics to compare,and it looks as though your plant has
doubled in volume.So growth looks fine.

I would advise a mini flush,add nutes to the last litre(or whatever)@ 150ppm,or so.
The droopy leaves should start to straighten out in a couple of days.
Im looking forward to seeing this lady grow up.It is feminised is it?



Active Member
Sounds like a good plan Rebro. She just started her 5 hours of sleep so I'll do the flush in the morning. I'll provide more info asap and in the meantime let me know if you have any more suggestions. Yes, feminized.


Active Member
I'll take a look at your link above next but I wanted to catch you up on this mornings activities. I did a 1 gallon mini-flush with 6.5 pH water only. The runoff registered 6.9 pH with 132 ppm. I then mixed up a 401 ppm concentration of nutes in 6.4 pH water and gave about a half gallon. The plant is now a solid 8 inches tall (a few new leaves are slightly higher) and 16 inches wide. The tips still have a slight curl down so I'll monitor closely to see if the flush and lower concentration nutes perk them up. Leaf color remains the same and look normal otherwise.


Active Member
the link you provided was great and I've bookmarked it for future reference. I realized after I looked back over your suggestions that you mentioned 150 ppm for this mornings feeding and I fed the little gal 401 ppm. My bad. Instead of reflushing I'm going to wait and see. Do you know when autos start to show flowers? I would hope it would be in the next week or so. I went back to the website and found the auto AK47 description which says FLOWERING: 9 WEEKS but don't know if that means the plant should flower for 9 weeks or the flowering period should end at 9 weeks or something else.AK47 description.jpg I checked the water runoff after the half gallon of 6.4 pH 401 ppm feeding and found it to be 6.4 pH but only 114 ppm concentration. That's a big drop. Do roots take up that much of the nutes so quickly?


Active Member
The low ppm will be because you just flushed and the nutes you put in have diluted in flush water.
It should be showing sex by now,but the buds could take a couple more weeks to appear.
Shes got a bit of growing to do before then.
9 weeks flowering,is from start of flowering to finish.
That seems a long time,but some do take that long.
I grew a strain of AK47 auto,from a different seedbank you use,And it didnt take that long.
I grow strains that take about 10 weeks from start to finish,barring accidents.
Keep an eye on her pirate to make sure those leaves are straightening up.
With your plant being so big,is on your


Active Member
10 weeks from start to finish sound really good to me. By chance have you ever obtained auto blueberry seeds that grow "start to finish" in about 10 weeks? If so, which seedbank? 2.5 months seems like a very favorable timeframe. I mentioned auto blueberry since it gets good reviews, doesn't grow tall, is supposedly forgiving for beginners, and is an autoflowering strain....or so Bonzaseeds states. Those attributes are important to me. I had hoped my AK47's seed to harvest time would be short and you never know, maybe it will. I'm sort of looking ahead to my next grow already. Thanks robro.


Active Member
Yep, auto Blueberry sounds like a good match. Overnight my plant had a growth spurt and is now up to 9.25" tall (up 1.25") and 18 inches wide (up 2") and leaves have noticeably straightened out. I did an inspection and am reasonably sure I'm noticing preflower pisillates. I bought a jewelers loupe but the magnification is very high so I'm having difficulty examining the plant with precision. I've got an old magnifying glass around the house so I'll find it an inspect again. The preflowers have probably been forming for a while but I'm just now trying to identify them.


Active Member
Are you putting your eye right down to your loupe to view plants?

Ive got one,and i have to get right down to the plant.But it works great.
Pleased to hear the leaves are straightening out.
Got any more pics?
Im sure im not the only one interested in this plant,and thinks it has potential.


Active Member
Starting to look better pirate.
She should grow into a fine plant if you treat her right.
Ive found that feeding every 5-7 days,with watering(s) in between works for my autos.
But all environments are different,so go with what works for you.