My 5 clones. (1 pineapple budding, 3 best of luck, and 1 unknown strain) lol


Check em out! Lemme know what you all think.

They are all clones.

The pineapple in the orange pot is in 12/12 bloom with 400w

The two tall ones and the small one next to them, are a strain that I have been told is called "best of luck." The small one had bugs when I got it, but I had Captain Jacks DeadBug Brew (magic in a bottle and a must have 4 anyone with bugs.)

Also in the back to the far right is an unknown plant... lol it grows VERY interestingly. Tiny lil leaves that are getting bigger and bigger.

The 4 in black pots are all under 4- 54w 6500k T5's (AWESOME LIGHT!)



Well-Known Member
Nice to see you out there growing bro, some of your plants are looking pretty rough though. Did you put them straight into flower from a cut clone? Next time around I would give them a bit more time in Veg, you will produce a ton more (right now you are not going to get much at all really) plus they will be way more healthy, you know, having leaves and stuff to produce more food for the plant to grow on.

It looks like your setup is great and you have the potential of growing some good bud, just need to hone your stuff a bit. Give your next set of clones 4 weeks of 18/6 or 24/0 before you put them in to 12/12 and you will love life.


New Member
Nice to see you out there growing bro, some of your plants are looking pretty rough though. Did you put them straight into flower from a cut clone? Next time around I would give them a bit more time in Veg, you will produce a ton more (right now you are not going to get much at all really) plus they will be way more healthy, you know, having leaves and stuff to produce more food for the plant to grow on.

It looks like your setup is great and you have the potential of growing some good bud, just need to hone your stuff a bit. Give your next set of clones 4 weeks of 18/6 or 24/0 before you put them in to 12/12 and you will love life.
Good start, man! Glad to see you posting pics of your progress as a grower! Geekmike has it seem to have a pretty good setup, just work hard and observe how you can "dial it in". Where did you get your clones from, if you do not mind me asking?


Well-Known Member
Make sure you do this... it's kind of a big deal.

Along with the advise of more veg time I would add bigger pots,more roots=more meds

Those pots are probably good if you plan on Vegging for 4 weeks or less.

Here is what I do:

From rooted clone I go into a 1 Gallon pot, then about a week or two before I put them into flower they go into a 3 Gallon Smart Pot & that's it. Some people like 5 gallons, I haven't seen a massive difference in yield with the strains I am working with. I don't like to transplant often either so the less you transplant the better. But remember, watering a 5 gallon pot when your plant is small may be a paint in the ass to get your soil moisture on par.


Well-Known Member
I can understand your thoughts on the subject GM and I agree in less transplanting to reduce shock on the plant and with your thoughts on water conservation VIA watering smaller pots. I personaly put my clone in the pot she will Finnish in to reduce stress. I get the medium watered, I take a rooted clone roll it in powdered myco and then into my pots. It's safe to say a huge pot isn't needed if your growing smaller plants or strains that can handle it,but some picky strains like black cherry soda and some BBK cuts will pre flower if the roots become at all rootbound so I like to give them room for the roots to cruise. When using myco explosive root growths can occur and I like a #7 or #10 pot to let them free range.


Good start, man! Glad to see you posting pics of your progress as a grower! Geekmike has it seem to have a pretty good setup, just work hard and observe how you can "dial it in". Where did you get your clones from, if you do not mind me asking?
from my patient... he got them from a good friend/coworker


Yes, just one patient for now... but i have 2 more that want me to grow for them.... and $ is super tight for me right now.... one step at a time. hopefully in a year or so my room will look a lil more like yours... lol


New Member
Yes, just one patient for now... but i have 2 more that want me to grow for them.... and $ is super tight for me right now.... one step at a time. hopefully in a year or so my room will look a lil more like yours... lol
I bet you will be lapping me in no time....haha! I understand the money thing....a lot of folks do not understand how much money is involved in an indoor grow. It has taken me 2 and a half years to get my room where it is, and it is always evolving. I am always finding new ways to improve something, that is what makes this so much fun!


Well-Known Member
Just looked at our pictures there again, seeing that fucked up one with the weird leaves is just funny. I hope you threw that one out.

Either way, the reason I am writing... I think you might have mites there. Some of that spotting on your leaves looks like either nute burn or spider mites. Just peek under the leaves and give them a check.

Just smoked some of by new Black Widow, really high... hope I don't sound like a dick.


Just looked at our pictures there again, seeing that fucked up one with the weird leaves is just funny. I hope you threw that one out.

Either way, the reason I am writing... I think you might have mites there. Some of that spotting on your leaves looks like either nute burn or spider mites. Just peek under the leaves and give them a check.

Just smoked some of by new Black Widow, really high... hope I don't sound like a dick.
Hey man, great eye! The spotting however was from some sort of leaf munchin bastards that i effectively extinguished with Capt. Jack's Dead Bug Brew. (AWESOME STUFF! KILLED THEM ALL IN ONE TREATMENT!) The newer leaves look all clean and shiny! $$$$$$ lol New pics up soon.