My 800 Watt Grow Room, on a Budget


Active Member
man, you got a nice set up - especially for getting it thru trades!! Nice deal with the electricity discount too, thats hella sick. I'd love to talk to you a little bit more about all your different strains and how you liked them (how they grow and how the buds smoked/turned out), maybe we can meet up sometime since I'm not far from Atwater.

can't wait to see the results of this harvest bro, lookin gooood


Active Member
I assume you're not experiencing any problems with spider mites? I'm always worried about moving outdoor plants in because of the risk of spider mites and other bugs but I saw that you keep them segregated and spray with neem..basically what I do but I stopped moving outdoor plants in and just left them outside because it just wasn't worth the risk to me. Can't really beat the power of the sun, but you can't really beat the controlled conditions indoors you know what i mean? Anyways, lookin forward to meeting up with you dude, lets see some pics of the finished product :D