My AeroGarden Grow=) 1st time

Hey there guys i have posted about my AeroGarden in the wrong place. I just wanted to to see what you guys think. I dont remember how old she is but as of now she is on her 2nd week of flowering. The big one you see is about 3 weeks older then the small one, i think just about.



And Then:


Ill post an update tomorrow as she is in flowering mode.

Simple, i use water from my refridgerator, used an aerogarden kit nutrients for veggie state then some super bloom for flowering.

Only thing i added was foil, lamp, timer, figure 8 power wire

and i don't even know what strain im growing!! friend gave me the seed .


Well-Known Member
Gtnguyen87: Who cares what strain it is? You have a beautiful crop going so obviously you're doing a lot of things right. My first question is: how many plants do you have in your A/G? I gave up on trying to veg out more than three at a time in one A/G and my gardens really seem to prefer only two.
What are you using for your reflective surface around your A/G?
Am I correct in assuming that you have the model with the big hood, (Three flat CFL's as opposed to two), and the taller 24 inch arm/light stand?
No this is the one with 2 Bulbs CFL they are circles 3bulb , and one broke so i replaced it with my lamp and a 23w CFL. I took the hood off and tied it so it can be taller giving space for the plants to grow. There are only 2 plants. Thats Foil you see around the aerogarden.i think its only about 12-15" on the aerogarden.

and i guess this is the sign of flowering?




looks like sativa dominant strain to me. Be prepared to get more lights since its likely to outgrow you ag. It's best to grow auto flowers in the ag, in my opinion,since its all they ag can really manage.
i was going to take updates until i seen this....!!!! sorry for the bad picture: the firfst pic...does this define sex?


Active Member
I think I can see little pistils coming from that first pic. Hard to tell tho.

Female = Pearshape with 2 little hairs. Male is more ball shaped.


Active Member
You could prob start to 12 12 it. They will prob add 1/4 to 1/2 of their height during the flower so don't wait too long. I would wait until your other plant catches up a little tho.

Also I would get that light a little closer to the plants.


Active Member
Sorry, I think your issue is light. I would move the light closer and get some cfl's in the 2700 spectrum the AG puts out the 6400 spectrum which is great for veg bad for flowering. If you get some supplemental cfl's in the 2700 range they will do better. If you dont know anything about light spectrum go to home depot and ask someone to show you 2700 cfl's and buy some cheap fixtures that plug directly into power strips for them. You'll spend like 15 - 20 bucks and your plants will thank you.