My Babies Are Sick!! NEED HELP!!


Active Member
Hello guys and gals of the Ganja Community! This is my first post and am in dire need of some assistance. Now, my plants are about 2.5to t3 months old now. There are 4 of them in an attack and have been doing quite well untill about1.5 to 2 weeks ago. Here are some photos I took a few weeks ago of them being nice and happy.

I do not think the pics are working correctlyso I will place links

The problems started accuring around the same time they started to develope 7 leaves. Started out as yellow tipping and a little curling on the edges. Now the problem has escaladed to some serious sick looking leaves. Here are some links to some sick looking ones.

I do not know if this is a nute problem or God knows what. Let me give you some back ground info. They re about 24 inches all now. Im using 2x 18inch indoor plant growing lights and 2 high efficiency condenced flourecient bulds. The soil they are in is a MiracleGrow soil (yes ive heard places not to use them, but then again ive heard it dont matter) and MiracleGrow white lil rock shit. Its about 60 to 70% soil and rest the rock stuff. They are in 8 inch pots which seem to be doin fine for them. Earlier in their vegitaton i was giving them a 30-10-10 fert to help along in the growing but have slowed down greatly even before the problems came up. I do not check the ph of the water very often becuase I use the same water bottles everytime and the ph everytime i tested it was very consistant. We were giving them arounf 8 floz every 3 days but have not turned to 8 floz every 2 to see if it make a difference. Made a slight turn for better but not to the extend wanted.

Please help a father see his lil ladies grow to be big and smelly, please! And please try not to use too much abreviated words, its hard to understand for me!