My baby"s more than doubled, I need help!


Active Member
I took the advice of a grower/friend on when to put my girls into flower. Now one of them is getting so big she's going to outgrow the box. I've been advised to tie down the plant, but how do I do that without damaging the cola? That is the only part of the stalk soft enough to bend, the rest is solid. I also worry about the stress this may cause, don't want any hermies! Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated.:joint:

PS: this is day 20 flowering


Active Member
There are some guides on the forum on how to LST. I suggest reading through them. Training is pretty easy to do. You won't damage the cola by training it, but you will change the way it grows.

You shouldn't be gaining too much more vertical height if you are on day 20 of 12/12.


i would say tie them down with fish netting but that would cause too much stress prob, IMO. if you tied them down earlier in their growth id say do it, but if you havent i wouldnt. remember your plants will double almost triple in size once in the flowering stage. so plan accordingly. there is this product tho, EXPENSIVE, its called bush master. it stops vertical growth of plants and concentrates its growth on its branches. it works but have heard some side effects, it just depends on how you use it IMO. led to problems with the buds not stretching apart enough and some getting covered by fan leafs. hope this helped... maybe some +rep please if its helpful


Well-Known Member
Either super crop the bitch or rope the thing to the bucket. Just tie her from the top and pull her down to the top of the pot. She'll take right off and make a ton of nice colas. I crop or rope ALWAYS


As far as turning her hermie, I wouldnt be worried. It is called Low Stress Training (LST) for a reason! Good luck!


Active Member
I'm not sure how bending her over to the top of the bucket is low stress, but I just did it anyways, we"ll see what happens! Thank you everyone, I was stressing about this as an obvious noob.


Active Member
She's bent and I'm excited to see what happens! Thanks again all, if it weren't for everyone on this site, I wouldn't have gotten this far.


Well-Known Member
Search LST and do the research so you understand fully how your gonna train your plant. Its extremely simple to do and you will be extremely satisfied, but it is a continuous process and never remove ties. Topping is alot of stress on the plant IMO..


Well-Known Member
Topping is alot of stress on the plant IMO..
Its actually not that bad IMO. Think about it; if you cut the top the plant the juices get diverted to the side shoots (which bush out) instead of spending more energy pushing up. Plus its less work to do then LST lol.