My BF is a dick!


Well-Known Member
lol just everyone said it so seriously, i was hoping for some sarcasm! its the spice of life


Well-Known Member
For every woman or girl on this forum,do you want the biggest indicator that your boyfriend is a looser ?

Its simple,watch his video game habits,any young man who stays up till 4 am playing video games on a regular basis is either a looser right now or a looser in the making.

To make a good carrerr for himself with chance for constant salary increases & advancement in position a man needs to be a go getter,not seat belted into the sofa playing endless video games.

Thats no shit too,when you meet a guy & his playstation & xbox game collection is larger than his porno dvd collection run away as fast as you can,endless hours mashing little buttons isnt going to get you the home you allways dreamed of.

The problem is that girls love video game loosers over guys who bust their ass working 3 jobs,the video game tough guy has tons of time to spend with you,making you feel special,he has the time because his job sucks.

The guys who have their act together you girls allways pass up,why ? Because their too damm busy working to be sittin round playing silly kids games & making you feel special because you take care of them.

You picked this turd,all the signs were there right from the start,no job or shit job like a pizza delievery fucko or some easy part time shit,allways getting fired because other employees hated him because he was a better worker than them,happy to loaf around on unemployement.

I know the type & most likely he will be the same as the next boyfriend,over & over till your worn out from loosers then you'll want a working man,but not till you hit 32 yrs old,till then its the lazy tough guy who plays video games till 4 am.

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
He actsd like a child! He stays up till 4 in the morning playing call of duty black cops so I told him to go to bed. He was just like fuck you bitch. Then the next morning I tried to help him pick out clothes and I remind him he needs to shower and he just flips out!

Should I dump this jerk?
I say yes.


Active Member
He actsd like a child! He stays up till 4 in the morning playing call of duty black cops so I told him to go to bed. He was just like fuck you bitch. Then the next morning I tried to help him pick out clothes and I remind him he needs to shower and he just flips out!

Should I dump this jerk?
What's wrong with him that you have to tell him to go to bed? You have to help him pick out clothes to wear, and remind him to take a shower? How old is this person and what is his and your mental state? Oh my, and he kicks your ass too! Ahh, you get off on being mistreated, yeah I know about people like you...must be some great makeup sex!!!