My big problem with LSD !

I`m having an interesting time here :D Kinda went to "sleep" for a tiny instance and woke up with a really weird feeling lol

So it turns out there was a fair amount of LSD on that clingfilm after all haha ate some more paper thats on the way too....

I dunno about you guys but I`m FRYING!!

Great stories Full Circle, bet your gonna love taking LSD again sometime hehehe
I`m having an interesting time here :D Kinda went to "sleep" for a tiny instance and woke up with a really weird feeling lol

So it turns out there was a fair amount of LSD on that clingfilm after all haha ate some more paper thats on the way too....

I dunno about you guys but I`m FRYING!!

Great stories Full Circle, bet your gonna love taking LSD again sometime hehehe

Ya think !!!!! I can already taste that beautiful metallic taste on the back of my tounge !!!! Waiting is a MUTHA FUCKA !
I`m having an interesting time here :D Kinda went to "sleep" for a tiny instance and woke up with a really weird feeling lol

So it turns out there was a fair amount of LSD on that clingfilm after all haha ate some more paper thats on the way too....

I dunno about you guys but I`m FRYING!!

Great stories Full Circle, bet your gonna love taking LSD again sometime hehehe

LOL ... yeah, I kind of figured that clingfilm may have a nice dose on it !
WOAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 50 bitches !!!! That's right , 50 ! Muther fuckin 50 posts !!!! Now I can see if the Brazilian Supa Models ees trying to kontak me !!!!!!

And you bitches can now contact me too ! Turn on my fucking PMs baby, I am armed and dangerous !
A dose bigger than I have taken before perhaps hahahah

Congrats 50 posts dude!! Your now PM` able lolz

Not to worry Tenner .... I have spent HOURS with my face buried in the deep carpet while talking with all the inhabitants that live there and visiting their world ! You have a journey now .... just enjoy !
The Post Man is almost back to work ...
They Start tomorrow ...
I was just writing you a POSt card !

Perhaps I'll even send you a LIght DISk !!



Here comes the uncontrollable laughter again :D :D

this is pretty damn amazing its as if I`m swimming in something its great :D
BUUUT Its time for the mighty walk and using the kitchen appliances. I will come back right here with a cup of green and lemon tea thats the trip :D
fuckin golem. back in the cave!!!
Me and my friend almost got robbed by a kid named golem. All of a sudden he was just like GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS ON THE GROUND, and pulls a shotgun out. Then 2 kids run around and jump my friend and beat him up. He never gave him the 300 bucks though. We were just trying to get 30-40 rolls or something. Then we fucking split. Someone reported OUR car tag as the people with the shotgun. All of a sudden the cops from their loud speaker are like TURN LEFT AT THE NEXT TURN INTO THE SHOPPING COMPLEX, DO NOT GET OUT OF THE CAR. I walk out, there's like 10-15 cops pointing guns at me. I fucking am about to shit my pants. PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR! (I had my cellphone in my hand) PUT THAT FUCKING SHIT DOWN ON THE GROUND SLOWLY. I got handcuffed, sat in the police car, and eventually everyone gave the same story, so then we got interviewed telling them what happened and got released. Everyone was outside looking, it was fucking insane.
Its coming in hefty waves, I`m LOVING IT!!! I`m wearing these baggie black trousers and I can`t quite figure out what happned but I "saw" a massive bug on the stairs and dipped my thumb in the green tea, OUCH!! LOL
Me and my friend almost got robbed by a kid named golem. All of a sudden he was just like GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS ON THE GROUND, and pulls a shotgun out. Then 2 kids run around and jump my friend and beat him up. He never gave him the 300 bucks though. We were just trying to get 30-40 rolls or something. Then we fucking split. Someone reported OUR car tag as the people with the shotgun. All of a sudden the cops from their loud speaker are like TURN LEFT AT THE NEXT TURN INTO THE SHOPPING COMPLEX, DO NOT GET OUT OF THE CAR. I walk out, there's like 10-15 cops pointing guns at me. I fucking am about to shit my pants. PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR! (I had my cellphone in my hand) PUT THAT FUCKING SHIT DOWN ON THE GROUND SLOWLY. I got handcuffed, sat in the police car, and eventually everyone gave the same story, so then we got interviewed telling them what happened and got released. Everyone was outside looking, it was fucking insane.
I was held up at gun point with a shot gun, for rolls also. he had a different name though.
If someone saw me walking around like this they would shit themself laughing if I didn`t first LOL

mmmmmm some toasty roasties mmmm
Hold on hold on check this guy out!!


Tripping my zonkers off is it a thumb? LOL
A roommate may of came in and noticed me with my earphones on gazing the fuck into that thing hahahahaha