My Butter Recipe


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone :blsmoke:

I'm seeing requests for butter recipes, so I wanted to share mine! It's very good.

1/8 strong bud
1/4 vaped bud (can you say, recycling? it's very useful to use this because vaped bud still retains its body high components)
1 stick of butter
1 pot (cooking kind) big enough to fit all the 3 ingredients. fill this pot with water just below the 3/4 line.
1 deep bowl

Combine all 3 ingredients in a pot of boiling water and then cook on medium heat for 3 to 3.5 hours. this is going to smell somewhat, but it shouldn't breach your house/apt walls. the smell is more of a cooking butter than a cooking bud smell; the bud scent is very muted.

after 3 hours you will start to see the bud is extremely soft and layers are forming. take the water off boil.

wrap a cheesecloth around the top of the bowl. drain your mixture into the bowl. the cheesecloth will trap the bud from getting into the bowl.

allow the mixture in the bowl to cool on the counter for 5 minutes. then place it in the fridge overnight.

the next day, upon inspecting the bowl, you will see a thick green rind formed along the top, floating on water. this is your cannabutter!

remove the cannabutter, place it on a separate dish and dump out the water. store the butter in the fridge.
i wouldn't store it for longer than a couple of days. i usually use it right away.

cannabutter can be used in not only desserts but in any dish that requires butter. i use it for my fettuccine alfredo. :mrgreen: