My cannabrownie report


Active Member
I used over an 1.5 oz of trim, a few small buds and vaped weed to 3 sticks of butter. I used my magic bullet and ground everything into a very fine powder. Making the butter was kind of a pain for the 1st time but now that Ive done it, it will be very easy next time. Brownies taste very good to me and I can only taste a little of the cannabutter taste. My girlfriend said she could taste it quite a bit.

So I ate one and waited like an hour. This was a 2x2x.5 square approx. I started feeling it pretty well at the hour point and though I should eat another small square. Well thirty minutes later Im feeling damn good and decided to eat one more piece. Mistake! It took me from high to beyond high I guess you could say. I usually analyze shit when Im vaping and very high but I over analyzed the hell out of everything. I stayed up for several hours just thinking and thinking. Good thoughts and some very bad thoughts. It made me realize how messed up my life was right now and how bad I needed to turn things around. It kinda tripped me out and Im scared to eat that many again. Maybe I'll eat just one tonight and see how I feel bc 3 little squares made me messed up bad and Im a big guy.

To think I was so worried a few days ago that these would be weak. Wrong they are very strong and work well.

Oh and my girlfriend had one little piece and was out cold in 45 minutes. :lol:
I woke her up to go to bed and she was like "shit, I need to go back to sleep, I cant handle this"


Well-Known Member
I used over an 1.5 oz of trim, a few small buds and vaped weed to 3 sticks of butter. I used my magic bullet and ground everything into a very fine powder. Making the butter was kind of a pain for the 1st time but now that Ive done it, it will be very easy next time. Brownies taste very good to me and I can only taste a little of the cannabutter taste. My girlfriend said she could taste it quite a bit.

So I ate one and waited like an hour. This was a 2x2x.5 square approx. I started feeling it pretty well at the hour point and though I should eat another small square. Well thirty minutes later Im feeling damn good and decided to eat one more piece. Mistake! It took me from high to beyond high I guess you could say. I usually analyze shit when Im vaping and very high but I over analyzed the hell out of everything. I stayed up for several hours just thinking and thinking. Good thoughts and some very bad thoughts. It made me realize how messed up my life was right now and how bad I needed to turn things around. It kinda tripped me out and Im scared to eat that many again. Maybe I'll eat just one tonight and see how I feel bc 3 little squares made me messed up bad and Im a big guy.

To think I was so worried a few days ago that these would be weak. Wrong they are very strong and work well.

Oh and my girlfriend had one little piece and was out cold in 45 minutes. :lol:
I woke her up to go to bed and she was like "shit, I need to go back to sleep, I cant handle this"
LOL, yeah that's the way it is. WHAMMO

You should try canna-cinnamon toast. Two slices will set you right.

A couple of slices of your favorite bread:leaf:
You might need to melt your canna butter just enough to spread it around. A few pats per slice.:leaf:
Then sprinkle on a little sugar (I like a lot):leaf:
And finally sprinkle on some cinnamon (I like the fresh McCormick grinder cinnamon in the little grinder bottle):leaf:

Bake in the oven at 325F until the sugar and butter glaze together and the bread is toasted.:leaf:

Let cool for a few minutes before eating:leaf:

Enjoy your toast :weed:


Active Member
my brownies are bite size and they have made people puke becasue they are so strong. it doesn't matter how much you eat it matters how potent the butter is.