My CFL Christmas Project


Hey everyone I dont mean to spam but its raining and dont have much better to do than get high and hash out a little grow journal.

The Project: Stealth PC Case + Stealth Mini Fridge

The Grow:

Beans- One Purple Urkle + One Bagseed
Medium- Soil: blend of 2-3 parts OSH Top Soil to 1 part OSH Premium Potting Soil
Light- Three 23w CFL bulbs: 2 2700k, 1 6500k
Water/Nutes- Hose faucet water from the backyard, left to sit in an open container overnight.

PU (Purple Urkle) sprouted on Dec. 5th. The Bagseed sprouted on Dec. 7th. Heres a couple quick pics of them from today, the 18th: On the left is Bagseed; to the right is PU
Photo 23.jpgPhoto 16.jpg

During my post finals-week drug induced delirium, I realized that I can fit a Mini Fridge into the same closet as my PC case. So I went out the next day and found myself a mini fridge for free. Heres what Ive done to it as of yesterday:
Photo 18.jpgPhoto 20.jpgPhoto 13.jpgPhoto 17.jpgPhoto 19.jpgPhoto 15.jpg

I gutted everything, saving the insulation of the interior but not the insulation on the door. I also counter-sunk a 120mm PC fan in the top and drilled some holes in the vertical face of the step for passive intake.

The dimensions:
Outer- 17.5in x 17.5in x 30.5in
Inner (actual grow space)- 15.5in x 14.5in x 27in

That step on inside there is about 7.5 inches tall so Im planning on getting a pot that height and flower one of these two sprouts (knock on wood).

Yesterday I went to the thrift store and got some more goodies hehe:
Photo 24.jpg

The fans will be for interior air movement and I think that light fixture will be cool if I can get some y-adapters to fit on there. This is a work in progress, so feel free to post up any comments, suggestions, or questions. Thanks for taking a look!



Active Member
looks cool are you planning on separating the 2 seedlings into there own pots?with your current height and what i can see from the pictures your going to LST?
im sub'ed hope to see updates :blsmoke:


looks cool are you planning on separating the 2 seedlings into there own pots?with your current height and what i can see from the pictures your going to LST?
im sub'ed hope to see updates :blsmoke:
I guess the plan is to water the pot at opposite corners to try and draw there roots apart. I was also thinking about sliding something plastic down the middle of the pot to keep em separated. Heh, the LST just sorta happened. The sprouts grow a shit ton one day when I didnt expect it and were leaning over reaching for the lights anyways, so I just decided to hold em down as they were. Ill have more updates after I get back from a visit with the family for the holidays, around the 23rd or so :)


Active Member
the plastic in between them would be a great idea and you should do it ASAP because they get tons of roots fast and you want to cut a few as possible when pushing the plastic in.

imo you should continue to tie it down every few nodes to maximize your yield.


Alrighty so its 2 in the AM here in goleta the goodland... still raining... Ive been hard at work setting up the mini fridge for my coming absence tomorrow. Basically I made a few beer can reflectors, set up the light fixture, wired up a couple fans, and electrocuted myself a few times in the process (note to self: dont wire up a light fixture w/beer can reflectors immediately after downing those same five beers). In the end, only one even ended up fitting the way I wanted haha. Heres some pics of the progress:
Photo 26.jpgPhoto 30.jpgPhoto 27.jpgPhoto 28.jpg

The seedlings will now be on 24/0 lighting (changing from 20/4 schedule), and Ill be giving them a fat watering with 1/4 MG in 4 1/12 hours when I hit the road. Ill be gone until the 22nd/23rd so I hope they stay fresh.

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
cool setup. looks like youre off to a good start. but you will definately want to seperate the 2 into different containers. that plastic insert will not stop the roots from growing under it. think of what tree roots do to cement and asphalt. good luck in your grow!


Well-Known Member
looks interesting, sub'd! mini fridge seems like a good size grow box... how thick are the walls, was it easy to drill holes? and how much room do you have to lift the lights from the current position? thanks dude.


cool setup. looks like youre off to a good start. but you will definately want to seperate the 2 into different containers. that plastic insert will not stop the roots from growing under it. think of what tree roots do to cement and asphalt. good luck in your grow!
Good point, finding a nice pot is definitely on the top of my To-Do List.

looks interesting, sub'd! mini fridge seems like a good size grow box... how thick are the walls, was it easy to drill holes? and how much room do you have to lift the lights from the current position? thanks dude.
The walls are about 2 to 2.5 inches thick, but 99.99% of this measurement is accounted for by the foam insulation. This insulation is basically glued to the thin sheet metal walls of the fridge. Ive had no trouble drilling holes through the entire wall (insulation + metal), but cutting the square hole for the top fan was a pretty big pain in the ass. The light fixture is currently hanging from a couple chains, and will be moved up one chain link at a time as the plants' growth dictates. I have about a foot to two feet of space to continue ratcheting them up.

Thanks for showing some interest guys, Ill be posting an update w/ pics ASAP :)


Alright so heres the update, Wed. December 22nd. The seedlings grew well while I was gone, which was a relief because I basically changed their whole situation (lights, air, temps., nutes) and then split for 3 days. But I came back today to see them green and healthy :) Heres a pic of them today:

Photo 31.jpg

Also, heres a pic that kinda gives you an idea of the whole shabang:

Photo 32.jpg

As far as long term ideas go, I plan to get this all dialed in by the end of winter break (the 31st) and then flip them onto 12/12 on the 3rd of January. I hope to harvest over spring break, but well see....


Well-Known Member
Looks great! I have the same lighting for my plant, 1 6500k, and 2 2700k it seems to be working great. Btw i love the idea of the mini fridge!


Looks great! I have the same lighting for my plant, 1 6500k, and 2 2700k it seems to be working great. Btw i love the idea of the mini fridge!
Haha I was actually just looking at your PC box thread. The lights I have running right now are actually from my PC box lol so Ill be needing to get some new bulbs soon. Thinking of doing three y-adapters on the light fixture and hanging three lamp cords down for some side lighting. The mini fridge only came about as a complement to my PC box really, just because I felt so cramped trying to work with the PC box and wanted a little extra room to spread out...

subbed.. good luck bro
Thanks for taking a look guys :joint:


Well-Known Member
i actually think the 3 y adapter thing would work better than plugging it into the power strip like i am doing, that way all the light could be on the plant instead of hanging off the side haha.. Anyways, good luck!


Active Member
cool setup man. Do you know what the temp is inside that thing when the door is closed? I tried making a cab but it got way too hot without proper ventilation which I couldn't provide at the time.


plants arelooking good murphman, thanks for those answers on the fridge set up. +rep
Thanks and no problem, comrade!

cool setup man. Do you know what the temp is inside that thing when the door is closed? I tried making a cab but it got way too hot without proper ventilation which I couldn't provide at the time.
I actually dont know what the temps are and it was a big concern for a while. But then I left the babies in the fridge for 3 days while I went on a little trip and came back and theyre fine, so I dont think heat will be a problem until spring/summer comes around AND/OR when I put my carbon filter on over the exhaust fan. This same concern is my reason for not having put mylar (which I have on hand) over the walls and such, dont want to mess with the insulative properties of the fridge. My hopes are set on a christmas gift card to amazon/OSH/Home Depot lol, THEN Ill be able to get this thing going for real :hump::mrgreen:

Heres a pic of the little ones today:
Photo 29.jpgPhoto 25.jpg

The sun is finally out so Im letting them bask in its glory for as long as possible hehe

As always, thanks for taking a look guys :joint:


Well-Known Member
Right on dude! I work in Ventura, and I have a couple sprouts in the same stage as yours! Maybe we can finish around the same time and share some smoke? Just don't let the little girls party too hard down in IV on DP, they might catch a But in all seriousness, looking good dude, like the setup. When you planning on starting them on nutes?

My little ones About the same size as yours.

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:) nice little plants you got going there my friend. Did you get any sun down in Ventura today? Today was the best day Ive had in Goleta all break! The PU is really starting to take off. I gave them a really diluted MG solution about 5 days ago, and then I gave them another dose, maybe 1/4-1/3 strength today while they sat in the afternoon sun.

Id be totally down to exchange nugs in a couple months... Im gunna be flowering/harvesting these down in SD where I go to school, with the hopes of having a harvest right before spring break. If, come that time, I find myself driving back up to Goleta, maybe I can stop in Ventura on the way.

Either way, nice to find another home-grower in the area :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
:) nice little plants you got going there my friend. Did you get any sun down in Ventura today? Today was the best day Ive had in Goleta all break! The PU is really starting to take off. I gave them a really diluted MG solution about 5 days ago, and then I gave them another dose, maybe 1/4-1/3 strength today while they sat in the afternoon sun.

Id be totally down to exchange nugs in a couple months... Im gunna be flowering/harvesting these down in SD where I go to school, with the hopes of having a harvest right before spring break. If, come that time, I find myself driving back up to Goleta, maybe I can stop in Ventura on the way.

Either way, nice to find another home-grower in the area :blsmoke:
Sounds good! I just work in Ventura, I live in the LA area, but same difference, right? I might just have to drive down to SD for the smokeout! lol...keep up the good work