My Completely Green Grow Journal

I am a newbie at growing, and I have decided to do it my own way. I have looked up everything possible about growing, and I have come up with a plan. I plan to grow my plant in a completely green way.

For starters I took a clay pot, I put enough small rocks (rinsed off) to just cover the bottom of the pot. I dug up some dirt from my backyard, and placed it in the clay pot. Making sure that there were no bugs etc... in the dirt. Also making sure that it is dark dirt. NO LIGHT BEACH-TYPE SAND. I put the seed about an inch into the dirt. Ungerminated, and covered it with dirt (without packing it). I watered the plant with regular tap water, and set it on my window sill. Under a regular fluorescent light. It is winter here right now, so I have decided to provide it with a little bit of artificial light. You can get a small fluorescent lamp at wal-mart for like 15 dollars. But i made sure that my plant was in a window as well, in order to get proper lighting. After 3 days there was a sprout. After four days there was a small leaf. I then sprinkled dry coffee grounds around the top of the plant. I make sure that it is always a little bit moist if i put my finger in the side of the pot. Never wet, or too dry. Day 5- There are now two leaves sprouted. I will post a picture asap. In case anyone wants to know these were White Rhino bag seeds. They were bright green. I have heard that green seeds don't work. Obviously that is not true.