My Doctor Said It Was Ok To Smoke!!!


Well-Known Member
ok I went to the doctor's today for a flu shot and a check up. ( i kno im late for the flu shot everybody keeps telling me that lol). so when i walk in he say wow you have gotten bigger. and im like "i haven't grown in 2 years. and he is like "no i don't mean in height. your body looks thicker and your face is fuller, and your sholders are alot more broader". so im like "well i've been workin out alot lately, almost everyday" and he was like "thats good" so we went in the room and he told me to take my shirt off so he can give me the shot. when i took it off he was like yea i see yuou have been workin out. and i was like yea, but i used to work out all the time but i always used to be skinny no matter how much i lifted" and he was like "well what do you do everyday". i told him " i wake up in the mornin, take a shit, go to the gym, work out or (jog if its on jogging day) come back home, wash my ass and brush my teeth and get ready for work, eat brakfast, then go to work, come home take a shower, smoke a blunt or 2 and eat everything in the crib and then sleep." he said " thats it, your getting older so your matabolizm is slowing down, and your working out more religiously. secondly smoking marijuana also helps in that fact because its a muscle relaxer so its helping your muscles relax so they can repair themselves, because your constantly ripping them. and your eating alot more so that is helping you gain weight." so im like "so Doc your telling me its ok to smoke?" and he was like " im not going to say it is "OK" to smoke marijuana because its Illegal. However it is a big factor to your sucess in muscle mass". and im like "man wtvr doc. u was prolly a big pot head back in your day. and he gave me a wink.
then he said " as long as your jogging like you are, then it won't have much of an effect on your lungs because your constantly using them. the only thing im worried about is your asthema is it ok? and im like "honestly i've never had problems with my asthema while smoking, when i smoked cig'z i had problems but once i quit and smoked weed alot more, i havent had any problems." and he was like ok then your ok".


Well-Known Member
I stopped smoking for around 2 years and reached a weight of about 85kgs. I was still growing so I thought this was just the weight that I had naturally reached. I was just gone 17 I'd say. Then at 20 I started smoking a lot again and have dropped to 80kgs. I have no doubt that it is the weed that made me loose the weight. Also I can eat whatever I want and I won't stray too far from 80kgs and have no problem getting back there, while when I didn't smoke I had to really struggle to get to that weight. I also look more toned now that I'm back smoking again. I work out a bit as well and I feel that smoking doesn't stop you from putting on muscle, the only problem is deciding if you are going to lift weights or smoke weed.


Well-Known Member
I stopped smoking for around 2 years and reached a weight of about 85kgs. I was still growing so I thought this was just the weight that I had naturally reached. I was just gone 17 I'd say. Then at 20 I started smoking a lot again and have dropped to 80kgs. I have no doubt that it is the weed that made me loose the weight. Also I can eat whatever I want and I won't stray too far from 80kgs and have no problem getting back there, while when I didn't smoke I had to really struggle to get to that weight. I also look more toned now that I'm back smoking again. I work out a bit as well and I feel that smoking doesn't stop you from putting on muscle, the only problem is deciding if you are going to lift weights or smoke weed.
lmao, i know its hard to smoke and lift weights. the doctor also told me to pick up this stuff called creatine monohydrate. (spell check) and he said it adds water to my muscles which helps repair them. im almost 20 years old and im 183.6 lbs. befor i started lifting weights i would jump from 175 to 190. but i smoked alot back then and i started getting fat in the guy so i started working out. i dropped 7 pounds but look ever bigger then i did befor, its weird though. ow well. keep smokin...


Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
Kinda sounds like your doctor was hitting on you also..=)... My doctors told me I should smoke it helps with my stomach problems..


Active Member
Progress! Its little thoughts like this that will revive Cannabis within our society and make for better lives.


Active Member
Cannabis isn't really dead in societies.. Just because it's illegal doesn't mean it changes much.


Well-Known Member
my doc told me no cigs. not one because cigs are known to make my medical condition worse. he won't say that about the green.


Well-Known Member
Great news on the pot,but why are you bothering with a flu shot you know they are pointless and harmful if anything.