My do's and dont's of my 2nd offical grow


Well-Known Member
Truth be told this is my 3rd grow. over a year ago a employee of my wife gave her 5 seeds because he heard that i smoke pot. i had not one clue how to grow so i just tossed them in one fruit bowl with soil and put them on my window sill and forgot about them, lol. Soon enuff they spouted and my wife just watered the bowl along with her own plants.

here they are 4 so weeks . so cute.


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Well-Known Member
Ok, now after watching them grow to that size i started taking things more seriously since this might turn out to something good. I then started using the awesome power of the internet and found some basic web pages with directions on what to do and what not to do. First things that came to my attention is that they needed more light. So i immediately move the bowl outside where it could get better light. next thing i realized was that i should of spaced them part more than the 3 inches of space i planted them in. but by then it was too late. the roots were already entangled and there was no chance of doing so. So i let them be. then i realized that i had no idea what sex each plant was and if i did what would i do to achieve something more than just one runt plant that would of only produced a few grams. So when the 4 showed signs of sex, 3 males and one female i decided to let them males have a gang bang with the one female to produce seeds.



Well-Known Member
Yotone, we've got a friend who's become an orchid NUT, what species is your av? I also have a cousin in Puerto Rico who can grow pretty much anything she gets her hands on. Orchids and gingers are two of her favorites. :)

If you can grow those epiphytes, I'm sure you do quite well with a cheap weed. :D


Well-Known Member
So that was my first official grow of the summer of 07. I yielded only one bowl of smoke. i just chipped off the top and the rest were seeds. Once i felt the high of that one bowl and started to realize that this bagseed had promise!

Now i had about 200 seeds at my disposal. so i decided to see what i could do with these seeds. since summer was already over there was only 2 things to do. wait for the spring of 08 to start my grow or try it indoors. Having not one clue what was involved with indoor growing i decided to look to the mighty blessed internet to find a forum to guide me.

there were a numerous forums dedicated to the cultivation of weed. i narrowed them down to a few on the basis of number of users and posts. Rollitup is what i chose. it had tons of posts with vary specific topics. plus it had a cool mascot.

Since it was winter i looked into the indoor growing forum. the first thing i had to do is buy the proper lighting. Metal halide for vegging and HPS for flowering. So i decided to look for those and found a 400 watt grow system. The person was selling 1 400 watt mh and hps bulb, one cool purple digital ballast and a reflector for $285. that was her asking priced based on what she paid for them. i priced each item online and came up with my total of $220 which she reluctantly agreed, sweet. the seller who posted on craigs list turned out to be this old lady who had her studio in the bad part of Philly. I was kinda worried about purchasing this item from a stranger. but again once i saw this nice old photographer/designer i felt totally at ease. she showed me the goods. everything looked brand new like she described and i quickly completed the deal and was on my way.
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Well-Known Member
Its called a butterfly orchid.

Yotone, we've got a friend who's become an orchid NUT, what species is your av? I also have a cousin in Puerto Rico who can grow pretty much anything she gets her hands on. Orchids and gingers are two of her favorites. :)

If you can grow those epiphytes, I'm sure you do quite well with a cheap weed. :D


Well-Known Member
So, where are you at on your indoor? Will you be limiting to indoor only, or including an outdoor? If I drop the scratch on any metal halide lighting it's going to be for a miniature reef, all this scuba diving has got me geeked out again.

OH! I got to touch a wild sea turtle yesterday (after it scared me by popping out from behind a coral head). :) Sorry for the digression... orchids grow like crazy here, too (but won't at home).


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Now that my lighting was ready to go i decided to grow in my utility room. i only had a 2 X 4 feet of growing space so i knew i couldnt have a big grow op, hence the 400 watt set up. I hung the grow light from the ceiling and then worked on a vent system. the utility closet worked to my advantage because my dryer had an exhaust vent. i rushed to home depot and got 5 feet of vent tubing and a 3 way connector. i simply took the existing tube out from the dryer and hooked up a simple 3 way with one of them connecting to a small box fan/heater. it worked but it was and still wasnt strong enuff to give proper heat dissipation. fuck it, it would have to do. I germinated the seeds and put them in plastic cups and then came the hardest lesson ive learned, patience. heres me tinkering with the lil guys.


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Well-Known Member
i planted like 16 seeds and yadda, yadda, yadda i ended up with 8 decently vegging plants. 2 rows of 4 plants in 1 gallon pots. after fimming 5 and topping 3 andwaiting 1 month of constant lighting with my MH bulb i began the flowering process.



Well-Known Member
now i had to wait for them to show signs of sex. it took over a week to really tell. and to my disappointment only 3 out of 7 were females. i tossed out most of my hard worked males and concentrated on my 3 females. i got my hands on 5 gallon pots and transplanted them for the 3rd and final time.
heres my humble grow room, along with my other toy plants.



Well-Known Member
Let me tell you new growers this. 2 months is not enuff time to flower right now im in my 10th week and im still not done. heres a few pics of them on the 2nd month of flowering.



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So im in my 10th week. im giving it 1 more week at minimum. im not buying at scope so im just judging by the rule of thumb that most RIU recommend, 75% amber trics. right now i see only 25%. pics taken just now.


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Well-Known Member
So thats it for now! like i said im giving it 1 more week before i ax these bitches.
ive already sprouted 16 more seedlings that seem to be in perfect shape. here are a few things i will do differently. this grow will be outdoors since spring is here but i will making changes on my method.

1) i will not or ever will put my seedlings under high discharged lighting until the 3 or 4th week of sprouting when doing an indoor grow. the 400 watts is over kill on seedlings. unless i plan on growing 100 plants, simple smaller wattage cfl's will do.

2) i will Fim all my indoor and outdoor grows. it a great way to utilize space.

3) i will gently train my plants with wire to gently spread my colas evenly. Rope training gets too clumsy with all the tying n such. I broke off a nicely growing stem completely by pulling on one by accident. i split another plant in half. lucky i wasnt a deep split so i just band aided it back. so now i will use a wire to train them about 4 weeks from sprouting.

4)i will not wait a long time to repot. i noticed that these roots spread like wild fire so i will transplant even with room to spare in my pot.

5) will get my plants closer to the light on my indoor grow. if you have a fan blowing on them directly you can get within 6 inches from the light. this makes a world of difference in size when you harvest.

6) on my indoor grow i will veg them for 40 days then flower for 85 days. i think i would of yielded more if i vegged them a lil bit longer.

7) i will try for more plants. i will over crowd my vegging plants because when they flower they take up less space. they may get bigger but only vertically. the leaf's eventually thin out so theres more room to fit in more colas. im thinking i can flower 5 female plants using the light and spacing set up im using.

8) i will be lollipopping my plants. popcorn sized buds on the bottoms will not be yielding much if anything. anything below6 inches in a plant will be removed.

well thats all folks! wish me luck on my outdoor grow of 08. my winter indoor grow of 08 was a very important learning experience for me. im about to harvest 3 decent sized plants. i have no idea of the yield but im not that worried since im going to smoke most of it myself. i will give out the rest. maybe try to get back my electricity money, around $25 a month for 4 months. im not looking for a secondary income. the price to pay for growing lots of plants for money is too much of a risk for me. i could probably do it but i will not due to the fact im getting married and dont want to fuck it up by going to jail.

if anyone learns from what i just posted i will be satisfied i gave back to this website which i owe my grows to.

check out the harvesting and curing for my next adventure. im already flushing them out and will be trying to cure them right for the first time!!!

peace out yall. and heres to growing donkey dick sized budz.
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