my dumbshit dad pulled my plant..................................

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Well-Known Member
you come on here expecting symathy and when the adults on here tell you how it is you get all pissy because its not what you want to hear...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you think because your 18 your an adult now? guess again your still just a punk ass kid who thinks because he is 18 he is in controll of his own life now.....guess still live under your dads rules like it or leave are your 2 options. if your still living there its because you are a useless KID who cant afford to pay his own way. I am almost 30 years old and i have to live by the rules still, i have 3 kids and a wife and im NOT ALLOWED to grow pot in my know why? because its a risk that i should not and will not put my family in front of and untill you can learn that what you do dosent just effect you you will still be a little punk ass kid..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
people like you make me sick. Just saying go troll someone who cares .
Haha :D Little bitch :lol: Grow up and rent your own house and pay your own bills. No chance in hell i'll believe you're 18 whe you claim a pissy little CFL grow cost "sooooooo much money".

Based on your attitude, i'm surprised your dad didn't kick you out a long while back, most sane people would have. You're a dick for being so disrespectful to your parents. Playing loud music is one thing, breaking federal and state law in their own home is a whole different thing, yet you try and play the victim. Lolololol.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member

was anyone hurt when your dad got mad and stomped your grow room down, would like to have seen it before it was trashed
Dad's house . Dad's Rules ! Been there before myself but outside .. My Father Inlaw would relish the opportunity to fire up his Tractor and Brush Hog and mow down my girls .. We had acres of Fields and Orchards but he always found them on our property and It sucked but I know he acted like so out of Paranoia and fear , cant blame him or your father for such actions ..

One should really contemplate and consider the repercussions a Illegal grow can bring upon others living in the immediate vicinity .. Dont want your Dads place shot up in a Raid do you ? I doubt so .. Just count your blessings that your not in Jail , knew a kid whos Dad called the police upon discovering his closet operation .. Imagine that one .. Sad it was and yes he served time in the Juvenile detention center due to this .. Dad was a Govt employee and feared loosing his lifes work due to a few plants .. Cant blame Dad again !
My dads no snitch, I did make a lot of mistakes over something that should be legal and yes its not worth it if someones paraniod about getting in trouble. my best friend who I can trust with my life knew and myself. Whats done is done.

was anyone hurt when your dad got mad and stomped your grow room down, would like to have seen it before it was trashed
Nope. no one was, I can learn from what I did but there was no way in hell anyone was ganna get hurt over a plant that should be legal that no one that would knew about.


Well-Known Member
but now that that is over with you should sit both your parents down for a talk ... convince them that if they didnt know until then noone will end up knowing and maybe you will have better chances being honest GOODLUCK next time and if all else fails you have equipment for when you move out now
Haha :D Little bitch :lol: Grow up and rent your own house and pay your own bills. No chance in hell i'll believe you're 18 whe you claim a pissy little CFL grow cost "sooooooo much money".

Based on your attitude, i'm surprised your dad didn't kick you out a long while back, most sane people would have. You're a dick for being so disrespectful to your parents. Playing loud music is one thing, breaking federal and state law in their own home is a whole different thing, yet you try and play the victim. Lolololol.
just hearing some douchebag like you bitch about my own life makes me realize what we really are. Animals fighting over something that should be legal. I claimed that I wasted money for close too nothing.


Well-Known Member
Also i dont know why anyone is hating on you lol hes not bitching hes pissed and has every right to be ... how would you feel if someone came and ripped your babies up that you worked months on and took care of even if it was your fault
but now that that is over with you should sit both your parents down for a talk ... convince them that if they didnt know until then noone will end up knowing and maybe you will have better chances being honest GOODLUCK next time and if all else fails you have equipment for when you move out now
Yea thanks I know I shoulda told him but I didn't think it was a good idea with his braininjury I just wanted some buds befor I leave. I talked too my dad he doesn't care he just doesn't want it in his house. My parents split so I did the best I can but thanks for the good advice. :)


Well-Known Member
You want people to bitch or you want to bitch. Oh that's right you come on here and started to bitch about your dad that can barley walk who had to teach his dumb ass kid a lesson in life.. When you live in someone's house and do stupid shit you get what you deserve ... Piss ant fucker. I have one light that's worth more then your whole shitty ass so called set up..oh and the snitch is you!!!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
No, what you claimed was you "I spent soooo much money on nothing"

Since when was a few cfl's "soooo much money" to an 18yr old? :lol:

This has nothing to do with fighting over something that should be illegal, this has to be with you being a dick and not respecting your parents in their own house and then playing victim and accusing your dad or having the gall to do what he wants in his own home as if you have some kind of legal jurisdiction over your bedroom. It is his bedroom, you don't get to do whatever you like. How do you not get this. Grow up and try and understand how the real world works, not your "everything is about me life isn't fair" world.
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