My first Cannabis grow!


Well-Known Member
So usually people start a grow journal in the BEGINNING of a plants life. unfortunately for me, I registered on this website a few days ago. So I will start my grow journal in the second week of flower!

First signs of sex July 10'th.

2 Sativa dominant hybrids and 1 Indica strain. Bag seeds from a variety of really potent bud I have smoked that had seeds the past 2-3 years :P

5 Gallon bucket with Sta-Green soil and vermiculite. Miracle grow moisture control soil as my top lawyer (roughly
1/2 inch)

Started germinating mid may, planted end of may.

Fertilizing using miracle grow tomato plant food (18-18-21) First week of flowering gave 1 teaspoon per gallon (July-15'th).

Waited 10 days than gave 2 teaspoon per gallon (seeing minor signs of nute burn as of today so will try 1 1/2 teaspoon per gallon in 10 days)

Tried training my tall purple stemmed sativa a bit lower, due to wanting to move them indoors under lighting on cloudy days and ended up supper cropping it on the 24'th. It recovered pretty good.

Indoor lighting is a
110 watt HTG PL-55 TEK 3000k spectrum bulbs (I also have the 6400K spectrum bulbs) and a 27 watt CFL in the 5500k spectrum. PL-55 is hanging from the ceiling and the CFL is shining horizontally at the bottom'ish canopy. CFL also hit's the whole body of the indica.

Indoor grow area is 2' wide x 2' 1/2 deep x 6' high. It's a closet, so I am somewhat limited. Planning on enclosing the area a bit, or maybe not. Time will tell if needed.

Currently battling a small spider mite problem. See little to none as of today. Still will spray with cold water and 1 teaspoon lemon juice per gallon. Will try a homemade insecticide soap if by a week the problem isn't completely gone.

*NOTE* the ladies have spent a total of 2 lights days indoors when the outside weather is cloudy! %100 of it's veg life was spent outdoor under the sun. The area it resides when not indoors get's almost a FULL day of direct light. I'd say about %80 of the day, on a sunny day, the sun will hit the whole entire plant soil and all.

Pictures. Sorry for crappy quality. Need to grab a high resolution camera with macro for the future!

100_0036.jpg100_0037.jpg100_0038.jpg100_0039.jpg100_0040.jpg100_0041.jpg100_0042.jpg100_0043.jpg100_0044.jpg100_0045.jpg100_0046.jpg100_0047.jpgView attachment 2754216100_0049.jpg100_0050.jpg100_0051.jpg100_0052.jpg100_0053.jpg100_0054.jpg100_0055.jpg100_0056.jpg100_0058.jpg100_0059.jpg100_0060.jpg100_0061.jpg100_0062.jpg100_0063.jpg100_0064.jpg100_0067.jpg100_0068.jpg100_0069.jpg100_0070.jpg100_0071.jpg100_0072.jpg100_0073.jpg

Fell free to chime in with productive comment or suggestions :)


New Member
Cool mate. Good luck. You've got some decent sized plants...... hopefully by end of summer you'll have some smoke!

You can start a journal anytime...... nothing wrong with a flower journal! In fact, as I'm finding out, if you aren't currently in flower nobody gives a rats lol.


Well-Known Member
and how do you feel?
I feel good! I feel the Shiva god and mother nature are working with me :P
Can not wait until the bud's start adding on some weight!

Cool mate. Good luck. You've got some decent sized plants...... hopefully by end of summer you'll have some smoke!

You can start a journal anytime...... nothing wrong with a flower journal! In fact, as I'm finding out, if you aren't currently in flower nobody gives a rats lol.
Good and thank you! :peace: Next time I will start a grow journal from seed to finish and will most likely be indoors. Can not wait for that one!

*NOTE* I put the plants out side since this week will be nice and sunny! And will be watering with collected rain water (along with letting it rain naturally on it) for a while until I see progression or what not with the purpling stems. It could just be the genetics too, not sure right now. Leaf's are green and healthy so I would assume I don't have a fertilizer/deficiency problem. Time will tell and I will take pictures if something comes up or in 3 days :)


Well-Known Member
Noticed the new growth on the purple stemmed one isn't showing signs of purpling.. I Sprayed lightly all plants with Epsom Salt last night. 1/2 teaspoon in 16 Oz of water.



Well-Known Member
Maybe its time for start flowering? they can double both in height and size when flowering.
I am in the second week of flowering, week 3 will be reached come friday. Noticed substantial growth first week of flowering. That was unexpected from me haha.


Well-Known Member
Just checked the height of my ladies

Purple stemmed sativa is 47"
Other sativa is 38"
Indica is 21'

Purple stemmed sativa recovered from accidental super crop pretty damn fast. New growth coming in. Not seeing increased pistil growth though :/

Not seeing any trichomes on either of my ladies yet :/ Might start happening within the next week or so

Found this informative post:
Stages of flowering and what happens :)

Judging by this post, the shorter sativa (I will name her chocolate due to the chocolate like smell), is around week 4-5. Am noticing all the bud sites have hairs now. Purple stemmed sativa (I will name her spice due to a spicy scent she gives) seem's to be in week 2-3 of flowering. Bud sites don't have hairs as much as Chocolate does but there are in fact hairs starting to grow but slowly coming along.
As for the indica, doesn't seem to have changed much except slightly more hairs on the top. I don't expect to even get the chance to test them till September, maybe :P


Well-Known Member

Just some pics of them in their natural habitat. Spider mites are still a problem, small one, but a problem none the less. Starting to think the 1 Teaspoon of %100 lemon juice per quart spray isn't working anymore and it's time to step it up a notch... Will make some homemade insecticidal soap in a day or so


Well-Known Member
Noticed today the ladies were drooping, check the bucket and it felt light so I water'd with a gallon of rain water. As always, within less then a half hour they perked up. Might be a bit too much and need to cut it down to half a gallon per watering.


Well-Known Member
looking good man keep up the good work i will be watching:peace:
Thanks mate. Been watching your grow the past week and i'd say we are neck and neck at this point :P

over watering is not using to much at one time but to often, so no worries
OK good. So I guess I could give a nice watering of rain water every here and there :P

Some pics of the ladies. Not much movement. Spicy (purple stemmed sativa) is still on her growth spurt. Chocolate is slowly producing more hairs. It looks like the bud's are starting to grow a bit.
The indica plant recently grow 2 more set's of fan leafs :P

So I'd say based on this observation both spicy and the indica are around the same date's in flowering with chocolate in the lead!! Crazy how growing outdoors they don't have the same flowering times...

100_0007.jpg <- Indica top view
100_0021.jpg<- Indica side top view
100_0008.jpg<- Chocolate top View
100_0009.jpg<- Chocolate side top view
100_0010.jpg<- Spicy top view
100_0011.jpg <- Spicy side top view
100_0012.jpg <- Spicy where I accidentally supper cropped :P

How my closet is set up:
100_0013.jpg100_0014.jpgVentilation. Box fan on floor blows against wall on a slight downward angle which causes the air to blow upwards and at the plant at a nice pace. Not too fast, not to slow. Twin fan is at the top of the closet to expel any heat to minimize stale hot air. So far it works! Noticed it's cooler in the closet then it was without the fans. When I place my hand at canopy level it feel's nice. Can barely feel any heat. Wish I had a thermometer to see the real temps.

100_0015.jpgFull shot of the ladies enjoying the artificial lighting

100_0016.jpg100_0017.jpgMy HTGPL-55 T5 HO light with 2 3000k bulbs running at 55 watts each with a total of 9,600 lumen's. Grow bulbs produce 6400k with a total of 10,000 lumen's. Light in fixture is a 27 watt 5400k CFL to supplement the T5. Hoping it will cause the indica to grow higher :P

If you aren't aware, they will be in here on day's it's cloudy to maximize the light they receive but next month is, so far, looking %90 sunny! They have been inside since Tuesday morning since the next few days are cloudy with rain.

More pics:

Just water'd with a half gallon of 2 teaspoons per gallon mix of MG tomato plant food


Well-Known Member
Well the high definition camera crapped out on me. Batteries... Anyways, noticing some trichome production on Chocolate! Just as I expected ;) Bud's are slowly growing. Might be slower growth due to a cold night period (under 65F) Last fert I did, the 7'th, I noticed more minor nute burn. This time on the edges of the leafs. I also fert'd my sunflowers since they are starting to flower and are lacking in roots. Noticed minor fertilizer burn as well. I am guessing 2 teaspoons per gallon of MG tomato plant food is too much. Need to knock it down to 1 1/2 teaspoons per gallon and maybe fert every 2 weeks for a while. Spicy, the purple stemmed sativa, is about done with her growth spurt. Hairs are starting to form. Although I estimate another week or so till she starts hairing at all the bud sites. The indica is growing nicely. More leafs appearing in between the nodes. Seem's Spicy is a few weeks behind Chocolate and the indica is a few weeks behind chocolate... Mean it's going to be some what inconvenient when it comes time to flush chocolate for harvest... We will see what happens!
I still have some spider mites... Been spraying with soap and water. Kill's them almost immediately but the egg's!!! Need to get rid of them to kill the problem :/


Well-Known Member
looking good I bet you cant wait to smoke those ladies. Great job they look better than mine at this point aghhhh.
Oh boy I can wait. It will be worth it! :P

noticed something today when looking at the ladies... Chocolate is displaying brown tips on the pistils on some bud sites. Not all but some. Pondered what this was about, search on line and found out when a female cannabis plant get's pollinated the hairs turn brown at the tips... So I cut off the lowest bud site with brown tipped hairs, opened some calyx's up to find small white seeds... Dammit! Was hoping it wasn't pollinated :/
When life gives you lemons, make lemon aid. Well in this case when life gives you seeds, GROW MORE WEEDS! haha So I will be saving these seed's once she is harvested for my next grow! Am also wondering if the other ladies have been pollinated. Too early to tell but I am hoping they aren't. If so, I just have to deal with it and make the best of it. Would love to get a few seed's from spicy, the purple stemmed sativa, to grow again. She is very spicy smelling and sure grow's tall. She is a little over 4 feet now!! Not sure what strain it is, if it'll purple later in flowering or what but I like the way it grows and smells. Might not be too late to clone but I don't have cloning gel or rock wool to clone with. Might try taking a cutting and sticking it in a cup of vermiculite and water and hope for the best. Not %100 sure yet. But she has so much new growth due to the stretch it's insane! I will place them outside later today. I am also going to spread Diatomaceous Earth in a circle around where I place the bucket to ward of pest's for the future. Was thinking if someone is growing nearby and left some males or something I missed when I cut down the males. Either way, what is done is done.


Well-Known Member
Update.Chocolate is budding up nicely and the trichome's are coming in more and more!Spicy is starting to hair on the bud sites. Stretch is finally done. FINALLY! She's over 4 feet now 0.0The indica, indy, has started budding... I won't bother posting pics as my camera is complete shit... In a few weeks I will as a visual update.Also, the lower most leaf's are starting to yellow. Thinking I need to add more nitrogen. Other than that they have been enjoying the sun