My first CXB 3590 run...

50 days in, 7 weeks one day and I would have to say I think these girls will be done in 6 - 10 days. I have dimmed the light in an attempt to curtail foxtailing since this is a blueberry mix cultivar and they really seam to enjoy doing that under the cobs. They are getting heavy and starting to lean and sway, there are some grenades coming off these girls. On with the show... :)IMAG1417.jpg
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Thanks guys! @Greengenes707 , @The Dawg , @BlackD.O.G , @MrTwist1 . The comments and everyone stopping in is much appreciated.

Today is day 56, 8 weeks in and probably going to go 60 days with these girls. They are starting to lean and are top heavy. Trics are all cloudy opaque how I like to harvest, I just want to watch them the next few days for a read on future runs. Now on with the show... :)
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Here is some dried and semi cured nug meat from that last run. The buds are like rocks and for 9 plants the weighed in at 18 zips total, so an average of 2 zips a plant. The White Berry Kush is a heavy yet euphoric, long lasting high. Over do her and done. Props to @40AmpstoFreedom for such an amazing cultivar. While trimming all the trics stayed to the buds, very little was under the trim screen to sweep up. This bud is loud, evil berry covered in OG funk with a little fuel, very nice!
That's some fine looking nug meat dude! Happy Days bongsmilie

Thanks bro, the patience are loving it. The cob grown bud blows anything in this area away both on high and duration. I know that is mainly genetic but all the genetics are out there and available. The lack of a ceiling to the high no matter what the cultivar is interesting as well. Maybe I have just been lucky in the cultivars I have picked to run, maybe the cobs grow better... :)