My First Grow! 10 plants! Advice Appreciated!


Active Member
While I'm on my first grow as well, I've spent countless hours reading through the forums, and did not go into my grow without first gaining a shitload of knowledge. So, I was a little bit surprised when I did the exact same as you, and ended up killing all of the seedlings on my first batch. I got them to about the same point that you did, and all of the sudden I wake up and they're all slumped over like they're drunk. I wasn't watering too much or too little, I was using FF soil, I wasn't using nutes yet, I had them under CFL's and my temps were under 80, and they still died. Meanwhile, I had a bagseed that I've been growing, and it's totally flourishing.

Here's what I eventually attributed it to: Those stupid peat pots that I was using. Seriously, those things are awful. The only difference between the bag seed and the dead seeds was the pots that they were started in. The bag seed was in a little black plastic pot, the others were in those peat pots. The peat pots dried out incredibly quick, and I could never retain any moisture. So, I was having to water them too much in order to not have bone dry soil, but they were just drying up immediately. All of the moisture was evaporating out of the sides of the pots. I since switched over to plastic pots for my current round of seeds, and I haven't had a single problem. Watering every other day, and all is well. My recommendation is to throw those peat pots out, they really should be taken off the market.

Not to say that this is why they died, but it wouldn't surprise me since your situation seems eerily similar to mine.

Best of luck!


Well I successfully killed all of my plants. I have a few ideas of how it could of happened but I'm not too sure. Anyways I have my room completely set up with my tent and my hps bulb. Threw 4 seeds into germination last night so hopefully those will sprout and I can start em off on the right foot.


While I'm on my first grow as well, I've spent countless hours reading through the forums, and did not go into my grow without first gaining a shitload of knowledge. So, I was a little bit surprised when I did the exact same as you, and ended up killing all of the seedlings on my first batch. I got them to about the same point that you did, and all of the sudden I wake up and they're all slumped over like they're drunk. I wasn't watering too much or too little, I was using FF soil, I wasn't using nutes yet, I had them under CFL's and my temps were under 80, and they still died. Meanwhile, I had a bagseed that I've been growing, and it's totally flourishing.

Here's what I eventually attributed it to: Those stupid peat pots that I was using. Seriously, those things are awful. The only difference between the bag seed and the dead seeds was the pots that they were started in. The bag seed was in a little black plastic pot, the others were in those peat pots. The peat pots dried out incredibly quick, and I could never retain any moisture. So, I was having to water them too much in order to not have bone dry soil, but they were just drying up immediately. All of the moisture was evaporating out of the sides of the pots. I since switched over to plastic pots for my current round of seeds, and I haven't had a single problem. Watering every other day, and all is well. My recommendation is to throw those peat pots out, they really should be taken off the market.

Not to say that this is why they died, but it wouldn't surprise me since your situation seems eerily similar to mine.

Best of luck!
wow i've never thought of it like that. I knew that eventually they should go into a bigger pot but i never thought about the disadvantage of the peat pot. Great info +rep. I'm going to the store tomorrow to pick up new pots! Hopefully that will clear up some problems. I'll keep everyone updated once my seeds pop a sprout and are ready to be planted.
Hey bro, go on ebay, they have way better deals than htg can get a 400 watt set up with hps and MH lights, switchable/dimmable ballast, hood and timer for less than 150...ebay is the way to go, its warranteed and guaranteed too..buying on line you always have the risk of something happening and having to send it back but its worth it, you go to a hydro store and pay 400 for a 400watt set up...good luck..try ebay tho..


Hey bro, go on ebay, they have way better deals than htg can get a 400 watt set up with hps and MH lights, switchable/dimmable ballast, hood and timer for less than 150...ebay is the way to go, its warranteed and guaranteed too..buying on line you always have the risk of something happening and having to send it back but its worth it, you go to a hydro store and pay 400 for a 400watt set up...good luck..try ebay tho..
Ya I tried ebay but I found the best price on amazon. 400 watt mh/hps dimmable/switchable ballast and hood. I try not to pay full price for anything lol that's why id never buy a set up from a hydro store..


I checked my seeds this morning and it looked like some started to pop so I will plant the ones that have their sprout tonight.


Well its day 2 of veg but I haven't seen anything break soil quite yet. Maybe a surprise when I get home :D I decided to get their final pot size just so I don't have to transplant them ever but I'm not sure how much to water. I've been pouring enough water where the seed is planted but idk if that just gets absorbed by all the extra soil. Any ideas?
Sounds like you're having a pretty good grow! Congrats! Hopfully I'll be right there with ya soon.


just some pics.:leaf:
080.jpg this one fell over during the dark period but perked up once the light came on. :cuss:
079.jpg Idk what happened to this one
077.jpgThis is my baby! :weed:bongsmilie
074.jpg076.jpg075.jpgMy other baby! :bigjoint::eyesmoke:
