My first Grow :) - 6 Week old - Checkup


Active Member
Hey Guys/Gals,

This is my first grow and my little ones are now 6 weeks old, i thought i would give them a check up. I am looking for your thoughts on how they are doing and if it is possible to sex them yet?1? There is also some coloring of the leaves which im not that happy about...but anyhow ifyou would give me your thoughts that would be smashing....

Above: Plant A, notice slight yellowing of the lower leaves.

Above: Closer look at plant A

Above: Plant B, again yellowing of leaves

Above, top down view of plant b.

So, overall how do we think they are doing? They are 6 weeks in the soil.

Lighting: 400w HPS, Setup:

Seed type: Dutch Passion.




Well-Known Member
Id say for 6 weeks they look small. Under a light like that I woudl think they should be aroudn a foot tall, at least.


Well-Known Member
Those yellow leaves could be the begining of an N problem. What are you doing as far as nutes?


Active Member
Well we were feeding them Bio-Grow 8.0-2.0-6.0 liquid plant food, but we have stopped using this totally since the leaves started yellowing, i was planning on going again with it this week...


Well-Known Member
How much are you feeding them though? With every watering? Twice a week?

What's your PH levels like?


Active Member
Sorry ive no idea what the ph levels are like, watering the plants each day.

When we were feeding them it was with every watering..



Well-Known Member
I would check your PH if I were you. It could be what's causing the yellowing of the leaves.

Get your PH wrong and nutes get locked out.


Active Member
you can get a ph tester for around $5 at the garden store. the ph should be under 7 so they end up being females.


Well-Known Member
noticed you said you're watering them everyday... that's too much water. Overwatering. But the puzzling thing is, that they look good.... SHRUG. Try not watering till the soil is nice and dry, then water thoroughly... You may see an increase in growth.


Active Member
Yes, thats why im so confused they do look good but i was expecting them to be taller by now!!.

I was watering once a day maybe twice sometimes, i know now that this is not good - how often should you water them and how much water should you give them....Also i took the off the nutes about a week ago just to see if that was causingthe yellowing of the leaves, today there are still some yellowiness, actually the bottom most layer of leaves are mostly yellow now and it has not moved up the plants at all - should i prune the leaves off?
