My First Grow - Again.

OH! And I think I know what those "funky leaf patterns" might be. Because one of my plants has that too. When I fimmed, I think I didn't trim off enough of one of the newly forming sets of leaves. So it didn't really give me the new stalks like I wanted, but I have these truncated leaves that are kind of flat at the end, or even go slightly inward.


Well-Known Member
Well, I haven't updated because there hasn't been a lot to update...just growing. Oh, and some nute deficiency in the White Widows. :roll: I've been trying to correct it slowly so I don't shock em or lock em up and it seems to be working. In the beginning, I purposely went light with the MG but I underestimated how quickly the WWs would eat through the nutes and now they're hungry. Some of the larger lower fan leaves turned yellow and dropped and I had some brown spotting towards the tops, but it seems to be turning around now.

The Blue Cheese and the bag seed are doing great, budding along just fine. I've had to bend over a couple with some twistys because they were growing past the lights. But a couple of days ago we extended the top of the box and got another 18 inches if needed. I really hope we don't need it.

Evil, the Febreze box works great! The only problem I have with mine is that it sits under the wire crates the plants sit on so I have to pull them all out to refresh it. As long as you have easy access to it to add water and stir it up when it dries on top, it should solve all your odor problems. And it doesn't take much to work. I used a whole bag of Soil Moist and I didn't need all that...1/3 of a bag would probably have been more than enough and I've barely put a dent in the economy sized jug of Frebreze I bought. If you've got more questions, just message me.

Here's a few photos, I didn't feel like pulling everyone out of the box for photos but I'll try and do that tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Oh yes, the leaf patterns. The boyfriend pointed that out to me as well. Doh! I should really smoke more weed. ;-)
Well, they're starting to get nice and frosty, so that's something noteworthy to show. ^_^

But I know what you mean. I watch a lot of timelapses, and during the vegging it looks really cool to watch, and then during flowering the buds slowly fill in for a long time, and then suddenly explode in size. Of course, that's the best part!


Well-Known Member
Day 58 and I don't know what the hell is going on. The White Widows have had continuous problems with brown spots and leaves turning brown and curling up on the tops of the plant. Only on the bud sites and it's only been on the White Widows. There has been some very minor spotting on a couple of others, but just one or two leaves and hasn't spread.

The bag seed plants are doing great...tall & spindly fuckers. I've had to start tying them over at crazy angles to keep them below the lights.

The Blue Cheese look fine, except that the buds are much much smaller than on the White Widows. Much much smaller. And that's the thing that makes me crazy about the WWs. Even with the leaf problems, they're budding very nicely. The ph runoff is 6.2 today and it hasn't spiked or dipped drastically...all I can come up with is heat stress. Even with the bigger box and fans, it still gets to around 90 every day unless I leave the door open.

Oh yeah. I left the door open. I left it open through half a dark cycle. It was only open a crack and fortunately we've had cloudy weather so I don't think it did too much harm. This was about a week ago and they've continued to plump out so I think I got very lucky. Being it happened so close to the solstice and I'm in AK, it only gets really dark for a couple of hours a night. Yeah, I got lucky.

I'm ready for this grow to be over. I've got clones and seeds in the veg box/nursery that will be ready to go in 2-3 weeks. I'll be starting another journal for them soon. I'm only growing 4 this time. 6 is just too many for the space I have.


Judging by what's in the FAQs, my guess would be heat burn or magnesium deficiency. But under no circumstances should you simply take my word for it, since I'm a beginner at this myself.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback cuz I thought the same thing. When this first started, I guessed Mag deficiency and gave Epsom for a few waterings. Didn't hurt, but didn't seem to help either. So yeah, I'm guessing heat. the other plants don't seem to have a problem with the higher temps, the Widows wilt under it. :( The next grow will be Blue Cheese and Widows only - smaller grow with more air circulation should help. I hope. I did give them an extra shot of P today with some bone meal, hopefully that will help as well. The only other solution would be to up the C02 so they could deal with the heat better and I just don't have a good way to do that.
One way to generate CO2 is take a gallon jug and fill it with water and four of five cups of sugar. Then add a packet of bread yeast. But, also be sure to poke holes in the jug's cap, lots of them.

I've made hard cider before, and I know how much CO2 can build up even from a small fraction of a packet of yeast in there. I had a batch explode on me when I was 18 because I thought the fermentation was done, and it was not. Some time later I was awakened by a very loud "POP!" and there was glass and sticky stuff all over my pantry, even embedded into some nearby cardboard boxes. I've also had bottles of it gush in my face when I opened them because I sealed them too soon (think of a diet coke and mentos geyser, but with sparkling wine instead.) Since then I've learned to not mess with sealing them off, and just put the airlock (read: balloon) back over the top of the bottle after pouring myself a drink.

Point being, it's a simple method, but it can produce quite a bit of CO2.


Well-Known Member
So I got heat issues, man. We're having the best summer evar but it's done serious damage to Widows & Blue Cheese. It's been near and over 80 all week long, the longest hot stretch on record for Alaska, and I don't own an air conditioner so the closet temps are around 100 if I leave the door closed. Even with it open, it's around 90 by the lights and over 80 in the room. I work in here all day, I tell you it's been effing hot, even with fans.

I've chopped one Widow and will be doing the other today. I forgot to get a pic before I chopped the first one, but there's one of the 2nd below. Sad and pathetic, it is.

Blue Cheese needs to come down, hopefully I can get it done today too. It's just as burnt and crispy on the edges as the Widows with a teeny tiny yield. I'm really disappointed with those two plants. Oh well, blue cheese knocks my ass out anyway. It's best smoked for insomnia so I don't need much.

The bag seed however is doing great. This may be the strain I have to stick to if I can't resolve the heat problems. The buds are decent sized, it tolerated the heat well but it slower to mature and gets really tall. I do know it's good bud though, since it's the same bud I buy. And I have another dozen or so seeds that I've found, so that's cool. I'll just have to do some LST next time. These two probably have another 2 weeks before they're ready to chop.

I've got clones started from the widows and blue cheese vegging in the nursery closet now. They're pretty sad looking with some burnt tips from when I accidentally gave them nuted water, but they recovered and are growing. I also started 4 more bag seeds and will be starting a grow journal for them. I'm only keeping 4 this time because of space & circulation issues. 6 is just too many for my closet.

So, pictures below. I'll post another after I get all this chopped and hung. I don't anticipate too much more than an ounce dry from the widows and blue cheese combined. I dunno, maybe I'll be surprised. But I doubt it.



Well-Known Member
Oh, and Evil, on the c02...yeah, I tried the yeast & sugar thing on my boyfriend's last grow. It was messy and hard to control, I don't think I'll be doing that again. Mentos and Coke...exactly. Heh.


Active Member
Did you measure you yeilds? Im just curious as what kind of expectation one might have. They look delicious!