my first grow how do they look and a few ?s


Well-Known Member
yeah i tried to train 1 but the little leaves that come out on the V havent really grown yet :/ i dunno whats up but heres some pics let me know what you all think. this ist pic is the one 1 fimed and the 2nd is of the little leaves i was worried about :X the rest are just all of them. oh and i moved some lights out the way to get pics ;)



Well-Known Member
yeah just trying the tying down on one of my plants for now i got some pretty decent height to grow in so im gonna let most of em go straight and see what happens but i do have 1 now and maybe do a few more soon if it works good i will take a pic of the one im doing now and maybe u could tell me how it looks :) will post tomorrow but other than that cmon peeps tell me how they are looking???? nice.. healthy... bad??? lol lemme know friendz night :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
your plants look great im not sure if your fim is gonna take based on pic 1 but they look great.Its funny its gonna grow its next couple of leaves with the cut intact watch and let us know


Well-Known Member
hey guys thanks :) i dunno about the fimed one either lol i know i did it right and its growing good the leaves are just fked looking lol so i dunno but im pretty sure there will be 4 sets just the ones i fimed are gonna be bigger but i think the lil ones will catch up. just went down to check on my beauties... they are looking great, the little leaves have grown on like 4 of my plants from yesterday! the topped one is doing allright :/ needs time to heal i guess but the little leaves on the top seem to be perking up so i guess thats whats supposed to happen :) welp out for a lil. more pics to come soon :) keep em comming peeps i check in here for your replys alot! what a loser i know :/ but hey i like em so ya lol. Grow stretchy babies grow! lols :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! well i just went and bought some more cords for more lights but went to lowes and walmart and couldnt find any bulbs higher than 26 watts?? whats up where can i can get a lil bigger ones w/o ordering them. then ones i have now are 26 watts but was hopin for something a lil bigger. and what is with the cool/warm thing they all look the same to me and say soft white?? a lil help would be great lol. Oh and i also bought some molasses and some MG bloom booster 15 30 15 since im about to flower. Is that good? and how much and when should i start after i begin flower to use this. i know i know alot of ?s just trying to get preped for my lil buds to grow lol ;) looking forward to some input thanks friends <3 more pics commin soon toke on :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
well im goin to get my cfls today any help on where to get some at least 30 or 40 watt??? can only find 23s any help appreciated and about above is that nute ok for flowering? thanks friends <3 :blsmoke:
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Well-Known Member
Ok so i went to store today got alot of new stuff got some pics please let me know what yall think of the stuff and the plants. heres the break down lol...

Pic 1 - my new stuff dont mind the red my couch had distinguishing pattern lol
Pic 2 - my topped plant seems to be recovering nice and likes new 42 watt
Pic 3 - FIMED plant dont think i cut enough off but seems to be doing nice glad i did it.
Pic 4 - Plant im trying to train i know you all love the pink string ( trying to encourage her to be a girl lol )
Pic 5 - the plant i adopted from friend... seems to be doing great almost better than others not stretched.
Pic 6 - The bloom booster i got ( 15-30-15 ) just happened to be next to bong figured id snap a pic lol
Pic 7 - the motley crew lol new lights and added alot of white to surround


all replies welcome wanting and waiting :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
hey thanks maclaws :) and btw ive decided to start flowering on wed. these things are getting to big lol and i want to find out male or female so i can minimize the # of plants. i was also wondering whats a good cost effective way to eliminate smell they are just a lil smelly now but im sure there is more to come lol. I live in a duplex and have close neighbors so i cant have mary jane stench venting out the window or seeping through cracks to my neighbors. is there a way to get rid of smell without like a vent or pump out the window? i read a 5 gallon bucket method but im not sure any ideas would be great. thanks friends <3 :blsmoke:


Active Member
you should top your plants about 1 week into flowering, you prob think your plants look wierd compared to the pics you've been browsing because there differant strains.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
you arent going to get anykind of yeild flowering out in flouresent light. you need to get a hid light hood and ballast.Hps is the best to flower under


Well-Known Member
Gee thanks for the positive thinking bonghits lol. I know that hps or even mh are the best for flowering but i cant afford that right now so no other option. I am also not growing to sell just for my own personal use. ive put 30 dollars into this grow and shit around here is anywhere from 70 to 90 1/2 so if i get an 1/8th off these plants it would be worth it lol. i know i wont get nearly as much but from some of the things ive read and pics ive seen i will still get decent buds with cfls? i am no high tech grower and i probally wont grow again after this ( we'll see about that lol) but hey figured id give it a try and like i said b4 ill be happy with w/e i get.


Well-Known Member
then go at it my mistake i thought you were intrested in growing the right way so ill unsubscribe and help someone else youve got it under control seem to know whats up.enjoy


Well-Known Member
lol wow :/ ok ur taking insult and gonna unsubscribe when i was just explaining why i was using cfls for my first grow... mature. anyways... i do want to grow my plants right... ( with cfls ) for now at least. As i said dont have the money for a great lamp right now or for all the fans and vents i will need to keep my room cool. I live in an apartment and to make a long story short just dont have the ability to use an hps or mh right now. i will be moving soon though and once i do i might have the space/time/money to have a nice setup but for now and for my first grow just cfls :) even though its not the right way apparently but what do i know im a nooob... but i think its very uncool that you would not help someone b/c of the light they use? anyways good day all looking forward to some postive comments and maybe some actual answers to my ?s about the bloom booster, smell and cfls thanks guys.
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Well-Known Member
then go at it my mistake i thought you were intrested in growing the right way so ill unsubscribe and help someone else youve got it under control seem to know whats up.enjoy
Damn bra she can grow how she wanna grow we only here to help her on how to do it da way she want.
Do you girldatgrows fuck da hater's. Just cause you a stoner n got mo posts don't mean shit to me bra. Is you tryin to get her tore off she said she lives in an apt. landlord gotta come in there bra.


Well-Known Member
no no no no no. im not insulted.I simply do not believe in flying by the seat of my pants. i dont mean to hurt anyones feelings but i believe anything worth doing is worth doing rite.I feel perhaps there is another newbie who would benifit better from my experience and knowledge.Shes got a handle on her situation.Good luck on your grows.