My first grow is finally done. Check it out

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
That is really quite impressive for a first grow. Do you know the strain? Looks very dank. You want to cure in mason in jars for as long as you can. It's like wine, gets better with age. The length of time you will have to let the bud breathe every day will depend on how moist and dense the buds were when you put them in. Usually about two weeks. Dry them to your preference. Some people like to smoke buds that are a little crispier than others. Good job!


Well-Known Member
The strain is Sweet Tooth.
When I have it the way I want I don't have to let it breathe everyday?I let it dry hanging for 3 days with a fan and dark room. I was dry so the stems bent and did no snap and probably could have smoked.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Right, when you put it in the jar you want it dry enough to smoke. The bud will "sweat" releasing moisture (and THC) from the center to the outside of the bud. When you open up the jar everyday the buds will feel moist again. When they don't feel soft and moist when you open the jar then keep them sealed until you want to smoke it.


Well-Known Member
even though they may feel dry on the outside, though, they may still be damp in the middle. Curing them in jars distributes the moisture evenly and prevents mold when you burp them. Open them for an hour a day or so, stir the buds, and close it up again. It evens out the moisture and helps w/ flavor. When you seal them in there for a day, then open them, they'll feel damp again. Burp it for an hour, reseal it and go back the next day. It dries it out completely.

make sure the buds aren't packed too tight in the jars, either. They need to be able to breathe a little.


Well-Known Member
I dont normally smoke anything until its cured for at least a month, but my last harvest i had to start smoking after just a weeks curing because i had run out early, and it didnt taste too bad for it, its been curing for a month now so alls good.


Well-Known Member
Cant really answer that because iv never stored it in the freezer, a cool, dark dry place is fine for mine.

Dont like the idea of freezing it though, a fridge would probably be better.


Well-Known Member
Just one plant?... what soil did you use man? and did you top and prune alot?

Oh and how much did you get off in dry weight? looked like alot lol.


Active Member
hey what nutes did you use thorughout the whole time period of growing? it looks pretty good n dank man for a first grow wish i had that much free weed around me ha


Well-Known Member
3 ounces dry from 1 plant. No special kinda dirt. I used 15-30-15 nutes for about a month during flowering and mollasses. I grew it on my balcony all summer