My First Grow Top 44 pics


Active Member
The Grow:

150w HPS sunsetter Light
5 Top 44 seeds
3 florecent tubes
Miracle Grow Plant feed 12-4-8
Bloom Fertilizer 2-11-11
Miracle Grow Potting Soil

Ok so this is my first grow and i'm learning as I go. I germinted 5 top 44 seeds using the paper towel method, all poped within 72 hours. 4 sprouted and 3 made it past 1 week.

I grew them in 12oz solo cups, under three florecent tubes for 10 days using a 18/6 cycle. Then transfered them into half gallon pots and put them under the 150w HPS light same 18/6 cycle.

Here they are at about day 20. I have been feeding them miracle grow fertilizer at half strenth since i translplanted them 10 days ago. They are at the size I want am I am now changing them to 12/12 to start budding



Active Member
Ok so they have been under 12/12 for 13 days and they are all females!!!

I stoped feeding them the miracle grow fertilizer and started feeding them the bloom fertilizer at half strength every wattering. About once every 3-4 days. There are tons of pistils on all the bud sites and she's starting to stink. So I went to the hardware store and bought a desk fan, PVC pipe, activated carbon and some other supplies and built a home made carbon filter. (I'll put some pics up of it later). It decreased the smell drastically, but it still smells a little.

I Transfered the plants into 2 gallon pots 3 days ago and cut 1 clone from each plant. I labeled the clones and plants and whichever plant is the best producer will be my mother plant.

I have a few concerns with this grow. I fear for the size of my plants, 18"-20", my grow light isn't big enough. The plants can't be completely covered under the light and they grow really fast everytime i raise the light so that the entire plants are under it. I'll attach some pics.

I'll keep you guy's updated



Active Member
I germinated and planted the mazar x afghan about two weeks ago and they are growing under florecent lights in a differeant room. The timer is set at 20/4 for the veg stage. I also have a clone you can see in there that is from one of the top 44 plants. One of the mazar x Afghan plants isn't looking to well and I'm not sure why, i'll post some pics.

Picture one shows the grow room, is a 95w CFL grow light with a reflector, and the three plants. The small cup the clone I took

Picture 2 is a close up of the healthiest and biggest plant.

Picture 3 and 4 are the not so healthy looking one.

I have not been fertilizing yet, will probally start on there next watering in 2 days. I have a miracle grow power feed, 12-4-8 I plan on using at half strength.

I was planing on posting an update of my Top 44 plants but will have to do that tmrw because the light was out when I went to check on them and i didn;t want to open the door and screw up the 12 hours of darkness they need. But they look great and smell even better. I'll keep you posted.


Aussie Grown

Active Member
I saw your thread and thought id join in the fun, I got my seeds from Nirvana seeds great service, Germinated 5 seeds on the 17/4/09 by the 19/4 they were well sprouted as you can see in the first few pics, i started them on heating matt and CFL all 5 are going well but 3 definately show better results then there sister ( Fingers crossed ) i have them all in Coco 10% perlite with a top layer of perlite to deter bugs and what not.... I have them on 1/2 strength nutes and looking forward to full strength in a few days. The last pics i took where taken 30mins before writing this :fire:

In the Mylar Tent with them are 2 Clones i got from a friend which are 4weeks old aswell as a little experimet of mine, which was i cloned a mates plant in 7th week of Flowering, the little bad boys have turned out well took them 3-4weeks to root, but no there looking good. there all under 1000w MH

